psychic vocab "quiz"

Dec 11, 2008 09:50

So, i will start this story by saying that I love my second period.  They are a great group of kids and are the hi-light of the day.

So today, feeling a little extra silly I decided to give them a "psychic vocab quiz".  Some background:  They get a vocab list every Monday dealing with the unit.  We as a group develop definitions for the words that they understand and they quized on them first thing each period.  The quiz they take on Friday is the one that counts.  The theory behind it is that by Friday that may actually know the words.  My second period already knows them so really dosent need the practice, so today I told them that I was going to "think" the words at them and they had to write done the word they thought I was thinking about.  It was pretty funny, and even more so they were really trying.  I had one kid get 4 out of 17.

Its the little things to get you through the day =)
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