Jul 11, 2010 16:54
i've been lurking and seeing all of you, but i have been very quiet and not so much involved in the land of creating posts.
business you know... when one is self employed, there tends to be no time for such things as keeping in touch. also any writing that happens tends to happen on the business blog.
life is good, there was a bit of a roller coaster dive and potential derailment but all turned out for the absolute best.
i am starting to be able to breath again, and although i still have a lot of catching up to do to make things truly safe and secure, it totally feels like it is absolutely positively possible. like an amusement park ride, with scary bits and boring bits and knowledge that although it doesn't feel safe, chances are i won't die on this ride. (see now that just got me thinking about a great blog post for my business, it never stops)
what a friggin relief!
so i'm not sure if anyone but the princess sno is still out there and if that is the case i am trying to figure out what to do with this here journal. so speak up if you are here as that will aide in my decision making process.