Written for
slashthedrabble's challenge of "That's Just Wrong"
Xander/Wesley with assistance from Spike
FRM or whatever
300 words exactly
“It’s just not working, is it?” Xander conceded as he tried once again to successfully penetrate his would be lover, who was looking on with trepidation as he held his legs to his chest, but Xander failed to force his way inside before a whimper of pain again issued from Wesley’s lips.
Suddenly a voice tutted from the corner of the office. “Oh this is sad. Two bloody fairies can’t have any fun because they don’t know how to shag. That’s just wrong.”
Wesley started to scramble up to his feet dumping Xander unceremoniously to the floor with a thump in his deep embarrassment. “Spike,” he muttered in greeting, cupping a hand over his somewhat wilted groin, thinking that the vampire was far more annoying as a ghost or immaterial manifestation than he’d ever been in the flesh.
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, I’m just trying to be…helpful,” Spike leered, noting Wesley’s overly pale white ass which had obviously not seen the sun in recent years and Xander rubbing a part of his anatomy that appeared to have tried to break his fall.
Wesley was about to tell Spike just how he could manage to shove his smug look up his incorporeal ass when Xander loudly cleared his throat.
“Um, Wes? Maybe we should…I mean, um, we aren’t doing so well.”
Wesley’s anger flared again, but finally he dropped his shoulders in defeat. He looked in Spike’s direction and nodded tersely.
Spike’s grin became wider and he clapped his hands rubbing them together with glee. “First thing you’ll need to do is get that nancy-boy mint lube from Angel’s desk, and then we’ll talk positions.”
Xander looked surprised. “Deadboy has lube? In his desk?”
“Mint??” Wesley groaned. “I don’t want to know.” But he ran and got it.