Hello LJ world.
I took a break from updating. I really have nothing great or worth updating about. My life has changed so drastically since i first began writing my thoughts in this thing.
I miss all of my friends who are away at college and i need to get my ass back into school. I'm always saying this and i'm rolling my eyes right now. I've lost touch with so many people i once called my friends. I'm not blaming anyone, especially not myself. No one really calls me or makes time for me anymore. but i forgive them. and i'm not angry about that. I have no time for a social life these days. work is all i know right now. december has by far, been the worst month of 2007 for me. with employees quitting on me and drama erupting at work, so much negative energy has been all around me lately.
okay. this entry has been long-winded.
i apologize. i am however looking forward to xmas, mainly because its my next full day off. i'm going on 13 days straight, no day off. i need the money though. i spent nearly $800 on gifts this year so far. i just hate being at that hellhole called pizza bianca.
anyways. happy holidays to all who read this.
i doubt anyone who really matters will.