
Aug 10, 2012 23:20

Well, I'm back here again.

This time. It's different.

I'm 13wk1dy. I've made it into the 2nd trimester.

Cpt. Wiggles, as the baby has been deemed, seems to be doing just fine. I've had a lot of ultrasounds, and because I'm not really showing, I haven't really been keeping up on my belly pictures. But...

I made it. Now it's all unknown territory. And I really, really wish the nausea would stop kicking my ass.

I can live with heartburn. Gas. Exhaustion. But the nausea. The lack of appetite... those things suck. I hope that I'm not the kind of woman who has to experience morning sickness through out the pregnancy.

If I have to just to get a healthy Wiggles on Feb 14th, then fine. But man. It's going to be so hard to gain weight this way...

As it stands, I've tried everything under the blue perfect sky to help with the nausea.

I've tried:
little meals through out the day
ginger tea
ginger capsules
raw ginger
wintergreen mints
preggie pops
vitamin b6 with Unisom (this knocked me the hell out)
drinking lots of water

And they've only either not worked at all or for very short periods of time. The preggie pops were the best surefire thing and then suddenly, I'd get super sick (as in puking during the day) after having one.
So yea.

I've been kind of SOL.
Most of it is just nausea. I usually yarf in the morning while in the shower. Stomach acid that just sat in my stomach overnight.

But the past few days (not today thank God) I've yarfed after lunch before dinner... and just couldn't eat much for dinner.

My appetite is just shit.

I've had a few instances of spotting this pregnancy, but so far, they've all been explainable, and haven't actually given me that 'Welp, this is it, say bye bye to this one' feeling. The first spotting was a popped cyst, the next few were strained bowel movements and over-exertion. After my pap smear on Tuesday, holy crap did I bleed like crazy. But I heard Wiggles heartbeat via a Doppler right after that, so I was soothed.

So yea. This one looks like it's it. Going to be a mom in February.

I can't wait.

take 5

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