Mar 01, 2011 23:00
But I've had crazy days trying to get my homework for this week done. Crazy busy.
Anywho, update on the splunge front:
Had an ultrasound this morning at 930am. I seriously hate that you have to hold your bladder for these things, but little did I realize... the wand doesn't need a full bladder, so I got to pee before the u/s.
Jason was with me, and I was really glad he was. Doc had another resident with her, but at least they didn't swing the wand back and forth too fast. Oh man... I mean, I bet they have to practice putting a wand in something, but the last resident she had... she was looking at my right ovary, then they were like, "Ok, done with that one, lets see the other!" and SWOOSH just swung the wand to the otherside and OMFG OWWWWWWWWW.
Yea. They didn't do that.
We got to see the splunge. S/he was a definite fetal pole, and the flicker of a heartbeat. She was able to measure about 101 beats. It was really hard though, since it's so tiny. Like trying to hit the exact pixel. But!
This is leaps and bounds more that we've seen since the last one.
So I'm pretty much spot on schedule, 6wks and a few days (I think as of today it's 6 weeks 3 days?)
So yar. Got another u/s next Tuesday for 825am. Ffffffffff really early. But it's to check on growth and make sure things are going along well.
Then another 2 weeks after that, at 9 weeks. Or maybe at 10 weeks. But she wanted to give that third one because she says since I m/c'd the last one at 8 weeks, it gives me something to see after that number has passed.
All in all... I'm praying. Praying this one sticks. I will be so freakin' happy if I'm a mommy by the end of the year.
Freak out initiated... -.-
baby the second,