Dec 28, 2005 08:30
First of all, I don't see the need to mark this as "Friends Only" since there is probably only one person reading this beside me...and you know who you are. Thus, you my friend, the only one reading this, have the privilege of indulging yourself in my mindless entries, in which case I apologize, because you probably got more than you bargained for when you asked me to sign up for LJ. Maybe if you have a glass or two of wine, it will be more enjoyable...with that said, here I go.
After speaking on the phone with Jerry last night, I've come to the realization that life is much too short to hold grudges, especially against people who used to be very good friends. This friend to which I refer really did nothing so God-awful that I should go on holding her in contempt like a murderer. We were all young, immature and had a lot of growing up to do. Now, five years later, I think we've all grown up, at least a little bit. Here I was harassing Jerry for going to her Christmas party, calling him a sell-out and a few other names...but the more I realized it, he's really the bigger the person between us. Apparently this girl I was friends with thinks I really hate her guts, which I don't...I don't hate anyone. Strongly dislike, but not hate. Well, maybe I hate SOME people...anyway, I digress. It suddenly occured to me that, God-forbid, I died tomorrow this girl for the rest of her life would always have this lingering notion that I despised her. I don't wish to seem melodramatic, but the fact remains we all have a short time on this earth and this time, I think I should follow Jer's example, and attempt to bury the hatchet. Now that I think about it, I can't remember exactly what it was that made me stop talking to this girl in the first place. Funny how that spend years in silence, not really knowing the reason why. So, to make a long story short, (LOL.) I'm gonna give it the old college try and see if I can iron this out. If it works, great. If not, then at least I tried, right? And then I'll know what I'm up agaisnt. Thanks for listening.