Title: Ignore all those big warning signs Fandom: Glee Pairing: Puck/Santana Rating: R (for language) Summary:She tells him via text and he’s really fucking pissed about that. (baby!fic)
Title: Suddenly my little world just got a whole lot bigger Author: Phelipa Pairing: Santana/Mike Words: 3,300 Rating: PG-13 Summary: For this picture prompt at the Santana Prompt Meme (it only took my like six months, but you know...)
Title: you're such a beautiful mess, intertwined and overrun Author: Phelipa Pairing: Santana/Brittany Rating: PG Wordcount: 890 Summary: Written for this prompt at the glee_angst_meme ; Brittany has Münchhausen Syndrome. Future!fic.