Jul 18, 2006 19:23

Camp is still going well.
I actually watched Robots in the office today.
I adore that movie.
It was actually really funny, and cute.
And I enjoyed every second.
Except for the singing parts.
They make me feel weird inside.

My weekend went very well.
Friday I picked up paint.
And I started painting my room.
Dark brown and a light tan.
It looks really, really good.
And I got all my IKEA stuff put together.
I cant wait to get my bed and this weekend and start putting everything together.
The end product will be SWEET.

So I was told that I'm getting paid alot more then majority of the staff today.
We're looking at about 3-4 thousand.
Can I get an amen?
I've gotta drop about 700 on drivers ed but, THEN I CAN DRIVE!
I've got a number of items I plan to purchase.

Uhhh oh, saturday, date with Spencer.
So I didnt do the whole suitcase thing.
I just shoved everything into a bag.
And pulled it all out when we got to the park.
We sat under a willow tree by the river on a blanket and watched Flight Of The Navigator.
And ate goldfish crackers while drinking apple juice boxes.
It was perfect, other then the thousand mosquito bites I got.
Seriously, I look diseased.
But it was a really lovely night.
We ended up cocooning ourselves in the one blanket we had.
So the bugs couldnt get us.
And we laid there talking and laughing and holding hands and all that cute stuff till about 12 30 am.
He makes me really happy.
So I wrote him an email telling him exactly that, among other things.
And he wrote me back before leaving to go to camp for the week.
Saying how much i meant to him.
And that I was such a blessing in his life.
And he thanked my for being his girlfriend.
And ended it by signing off as "your lucky, lucky boyfriend, Spinner".
It melted my heart, completely.

So, I'm still trying to work out plans for this weekend.
I want to go to brieside for friday, and stay over.
Be home sat early evening to spend time with someone VERY important, Alicia.
Whom I miss more then I miss showering without my friends, the spiders.
So, I hope it all works out.
If I dont go to breiside, then I WILL be going home.



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