Hello Dreamwidth / But also Internet Semi Hiatus

May 06, 2009 21:45

This post is two fold (is bifold a word, anyone?) and oddly at odds with itself:

On the FIRST hand I am pheebs1 over at dreamwidth. I have yet to find time to investigate it properly, but I am there so please do add me/let me know who you are/however it works. I imagine I will read with it only for a while, and not post to it but am glad to be there. And be able to stalk you all ;)

Which kind of leads onto:

On the SECOND hand I imagine I will be on semi hiatus for a wee while. I will post about the final eps of Supernatural (and likely LOST) - and will be around posting chats to spnroundtable over the summer. Otherwise, once my work quietens in a couple of weeks, I am going to have to use the summer to get some RL stuff into gear, which will lessen net time.

It's not a complete hiatus - I will be on email, and as I said, posting about the above stuff - and I will be logging into LJ and likely dreamwidth to see what's happening. But I will by no means be around every day or all the time - I'll be very sporadic and around less rather than more. So - email me if you need me, please don't forget me and


(That was kind of a third excitement, just thrown in for good measure).


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