Birthday Dean/Rory Drabble for oxoniensis, link to Merlin/Arthur porny bit

Jan 29, 2009 07:34

Happy Birthday to the lovely oxoniensis!

I hope you have a most lovely day. You are truly one of the most generous of spirit people I’ve had the pleasure to get to know online, and I hope the day is as generous to you as you deserve.

A small birthday drabble for you - prompt taken from the pornathon but apologies, it’s Gen:

Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, If. (Gen)

If Dean hadn’t picked up her books, Rory would have only read about the love she now has.

If they hadn’t parted - once, twice - they could never have met again.

If Rory hadn’t had her nose in a book, she wouldn’t have bumped into the tall not such a stranger.

If Dean hadn’t asked her for coffee, Rory would have asked him.

If the universe hadn’t arranged… is a sentence Rory for once can’t finish.

If Dean isn’t home soon, Rory will go and find him at work. Or call him.

There is no If. There is definitely a baby.

I did write a wee Merlin/Arthur (R ish, Wingfic) bit - Soaring for the pornathon if anyone is interested ;)

gilmore girls, birthdays, merlin

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