It's poll time! Up earlier n usual this week, YAYS to life being more normal.
So: SPN 4.09. POLL for I know what you did last summer. Spoilery there. please tick?
Poll SPN 4.09 I know what you did last summer So. Dudes. I put that last question in out of interest. I personally feel neither YAY or NAY about it (I like lotsa pairings, Sam/Ruby isn't one I partic crave but not one I dislike, either...), so I was interested in seeing reaction. I hesitated putting it in, but I trust you can all be civil in your discussions ;)
ALSO I messed up there are two choices in the Sam hot moments about four or five down, sorry, that should be STARE OF DOOOOOOOOOOOM
In the meantime there was a hot Male CRD and there was Castiel and I should have put Castiel/Hot MALE CRD on my choice and I am typing in and I can edit poll to add, it's going in, and Anna! She was cool. I like her very much. I liked the whole atmospheric opening scene with her and the comedy of 'THE DEAN?'.
Also SPN MEETS LOST! With the stare and the flashbacks and all I needed was Matthew Fox to run in shirtless. *is distracted*
I leave you to tell me what I missed completely off my poll in my haste to get to lunch with my friends cause OMG LATE cause wanted to get this up...
Love y'all, pollsters! :)
ETA: Poss spoiler for 4.10 in comments.