How I Will Change the World, PG-13, No Pairings.

Aug 04, 2008 09:08

Thank you to weesta for giving me the prompt for this! (And look! I wrote a wee something!)

Title: How I Will Change the World
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: None. Background Dean/OFC
Warnings: Cursing.
Word count: 1700.
Summary: Dean is forced to write the college application essay ‘How I Will Change the World’.
I do not own these characters.
With thanks to dotfic for the marvellous beta help and patience.

How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

Q: How many Dean Winchesters does it take to change the world?
A: One, and he'll even buy you breakfast in the morning.

Q: How many Dean Winchesters does it take to change the world?
A: As many as it takes to change a flat tire.

Q: How many Dean Winchesters does it take to change the world?
A: One, and he'll throw in a ride in his awesome car.

Q: How many Dean Winchesters does it take to change the world?
A: One, and he’ll still be home in time to fix Sam’s dinner.


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

Miss Kerning, why don't we forget this detention thing? I'll buy you a beer instead and we can see how that could lead to some world changing?


I will not flirt with my teacher to try and get out of detention.
I will not flirt with my teacher to try and get out of detention.
I will not flirt with my teacher to try and get out of detention.
I will not flirt with my teacher to try and get out of detention.


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

There once was a guy called Dean. He lived a life of secret missions, high-tech weapons, hook ups with hot Russian spy babes, and looked smoking hot doing it. One day, the call went out - the world was in danger! Only Dean could change things for the better.

Unfortunately, he was stuck in the library of Rhodes High doing a frickin' college application essay, and so never got the call.


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

Apparently I will change the world if I complete this essay. Even though it's a waste of time, because I'm not applying to college. I think applying to college leads onto going to college, but I'm not college smart, I'm not that into reading, so I'm not sure. And I’m not going to college.

I have to write at least two paragraphs before I can leave detention. The world is round. I like to drive. Detention lasts too long. Sam Winchester smells.

Miss Kerning, I think this counts as fulfilling the request?


I will not sass back in my essay.
I will not sass back in my essay.
I will not sass back in my essay.
I will not sass back in my essay.


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

I like working on cars and fixing them up. I will study mechanics at college and find a way of making the Impala go from zero to sixty in less time than it takes you to blink. This will lead me to a life of fame, fortune, and hot babes on the racing circuit. The Impala will be famous the world over. The future of how cars are made will be changed from her example. Plus if she could go really fast then we-


Mr. Winchester. Falling asleep in detention is not acceptable. Neither is attending school looking like you have been in a fight. I will see you in detention tomorrow.
-Miss Kerning.


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

I will change the world by helping my brother Sam sneak out to study group tomorrow night. It will change Sam's world. When Sam is changing the world in the future, he'll have to rely on his brother Dean's-



I will not have a paper fight with my brother in detention.
I will not have a paper fight with my brother in detention.
I will not have a paper fight with my brother in detention.
I will not have a paper fight with my brother in detention.


How I Will Change the World by Dean Winchester.

Oh what's the fucking point?


I will not swear in my college application essay.
I will not swear in my college application essay.
I will not swear in my college application essay.
I will not swear in my college application essay.


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

I enjoy science class. Not just making things explode, despite what Mr. Malloy says (I think he has a thing for you, Miss Kerning. Just sayin’. I know a lame excuse to interrupt detention when I hear one.) I like engineering too. I’m okay at stuff like that.

If I studied engineering or science at college, I could invent or build stuff. Like a… a detection device. A device that would be better than infrared (and those are lots of cash); better than thermal imaging (I wish we had one of those). Then we could see when things were coming. Then Sam wouldn’t have had his arm hurt by the, uh, big dog. I would’ve been able to see that it was coming and moved him out of the way. That would change the world, right?

If I were to go to college, that’s what I’d do. I’m not, but, yeah. That would be cool.


Dean, you are starting to think along the right lines. A note to help: consider who you think is a great leader. How did they achieve that greatness? How did they change the world because of their abilities? - Miss Kerning.


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

My father, John Winchester, is a great leader. He is a great leader because he’s determined and focused. He’s real smart too - Sammy takes after him that way. They’re both better with books and research than I am. Dad went into the marines rather than college, and it never did him any harm. He knows about all kinds of weapons, about tactics. It made him brave too. Actually, I think he was already brave.

He got the Bronze Star, which is one of the highest awards for bravery or heroism. I know, I looked it up. Dad would never say. Although he’s not a marine now, he is still a leader and a fine h…

People don’t get what a hero he is. I can change the world by being like my Dad. I can only hope to be like my Dad.

My Dad is also the kind of guy who doesn’t like it when I get detention, so let’s forget about that note home for cursing, eh? Please? I wrote a whole essay?


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

Miss Kerning, I don’t get why the above essay wasn’t ‘me-centric’ enough. You told me to think about a leader. I put myself in there?

(Also, Mr. Malloy totally checked out your ass when you bent over.)


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

I may not change the world, but the world would be changed if I wasn't in it. My brother's world would be changed if I wasn't...

I'm helping, Dean.

No, I won't give it back.

Let me write it for you. If you get another detention, Dad'll flip. I can't cover for you again. There's only so many times he'll believe you're hooking up with that girl from the gas station. I had to jump in front of him yesterday when we saw her.

Besides, she's -


I will not discuss necking with girls in lurid detail in detention.
I will not discuss necking with girls in lurid detail in detention.
I will not discuss necking with girls in...
Look, I'm sorry, okay?


How I Will Change the World, by Dean Winchester.

My father, John Winchester, is a great leader. He’s taught me and Sam everything he knows. He makes us stronger, faster, braver. He makes us braver. He … what he does every day, it’s real important. Okay I could go study science and invent stuff. I could go learn more about cars. I’m sure college is babes and beers and … but the thing is, I’m needed here. I’m not as book smart as Sam, or as brave and strong as Dad, but I help them both. I watch out for Sammy. I cover Dad’s back. We’re a team, and a team’s only as strong as its weakest link. If we weren’t-

I change the world every day by making sure they are safe.


Dean, again this is about your family. How do your skills support them? How could your studies change the world? What has your father taught you, and how does that affect the world around you? Be Specific. - Miss Kerning.


How I Will Change-

Be Specific? Okay. If Dad hadn’t taught me how to fire a gun, then I wouldn’t have been able to get the damn shapeshifting wolf at the old Raleigh house last night. If I hadn’t, then Sam certainly would have been hurt. Again. More people would have been injured. There have been three deaths there in the last two weeks. You must read the paper. What do you think actually happens? What do think is actually causing those deaths? Who do you think fixes it? Who helps people? Who…

My Dad does, that’s who. And I help him. And it’s important. More important than … than most anything. So I may not invent anything or know about Dickens or know what medicines do, but I can fix up a gun, and research demons, and know how to stitch my Dad up when he’s been mauled. That’s all I need. Keep my family safe; keep the world safe.

I’m damn good at it too, even if I-

Fuck. I can’t-


Mr. Winchester, a blank sheet of paper is not an acceptable answer to the question. I saw you writing for twenty minutes straight. Where is your essay? Why didn't you turn it in? - Miss Kerning.


Dear Miss Kerning: Just sign me up for detention for the rest of semester.


I will see you tomorrow, Dean. - Miss Kerning


Any Miss Kernings out there want to give feedback on my essay, er, fic, you are more than welcome - Pheebs. ;)

my fic

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