Not 'Fit' to Parent

Aug 16, 2007 00:40

Today I had a special alert passed on by a friend on a subject that really frustrates me. I am so sick of gay parents, or gay people who wish to become parents, being denied this very special human right. I have seen irresponsible people become parents whilst being on drugs, who neglect their kids every day; these same people who need a license to fish or drive a car can pop out as many children as they please. 1.3 million youths are homeless right now, not because they want to be, but because most of them have been abused or neglected by their parents. 3 million reports of child abuse are made each year--but experts estimate that actual accounts of abuse are three times that many!

With so many kids without parents, as orphans or neglected children, what right does the government have to deny them perfectly loving, happy, healthy homes with a gay parent--when obviously so many heterosexual parents have failed?! Any loving home that can care for a child should be able to do so, instead of having these kids on the streets, in foster centers, and/or being severely neglected.

Today this creepy guy was following my husband and our daughter at the grocery store, and he kept trying to get close to her when my husband would lean over to grab something to put in the cart. Finally, he screamed at the guy and the store manager came, saw what was going on, and told the man to leave. Even scarier? The guy had a little boy with him, too. Why is it perfectly fine to give abusive, neglectful, and/or really hateful people the right to adopt--or even to simply keep their own children--when it's not to give the same rights to a gay parent who proves to be much more qualified?

Please click here to protest good parents having their kids taken from them or even being denied the right to become parents simply because of their sexual orientation--and the judges who make these ridiculous rulings. In this instance, a judge who made such a ruling is up for a promotion and comments are needed by Friday.

Growl. It outrages me that good parents lose their children when shit parents keep them and hurt them, molest them, send them to the street, etc. all because they have an “accepted” sexual orientation. Ri-goddamn-diculous.

...OK, here are some more alerts for today for anyone interested...

Act for Change: Don't Give Alberto Gonzales the Power to Speed Up Executions


Save Biogems: Protect Yellowstone and the Greater Rockies

International Rescue Committee: HELP IRAQI REFUGEES

Friends of the Earth: Tell the FDA to stop ignoring the health and environmental dangers posed by nanotech

activism, crusading

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