"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." George Eliot
Falling for Fall
Oh Fall, how I continue to love you! I'm so stoked about October because...
* Sage's birthday is the 20th. She'll be two! (And it's already showing...!)
* My cousin is home from basic training!
* All of the cool fall stuff we'll be doing--hayride, masquerade ball (our first formal date in over five years!), the Meta Challenge for the month, Apple Butter Festival, pumpkin picking, Samhain, and of course...Halloween parties! Yeah!
* My sister is taking me to see Rent this month as an early B-day present. I'm beyond excited.
* We might be getting a new cat or kitten from the HS for one of Sage's presents. She really wants a kitty, and we're really missing ours...
* New writing projects that are not work nor fanfic related. Also pretty exciting!
Also, I've got new art over at DA:
http://pheo152.deviantart.com/"Woman King" for a dear friend, and "The Sexiest Valentine" for
mrstater's (late!) birthday. :)
Happy Autumn everyone!