I was tagged by lovely
ladybracknell for this cool meme:
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
I'm tagging...
mrstater, and
shimotsuki. Happy Meming!
(And I apologize for the delay. Baby Pheo is sick. :( )
1. I color code everything. I'm sick like that.
2. I loathe Ronald McDonald. When I was a bashful girl of four, he pointed me out in a parade once and shouted, "Look, red hair, like me!" I positively glowered at him and haven't liked the guy since.
3. I'm the worst kind of overachiever. I try to do a million things at once and then cannot believe it when I don't accomplish it all.
4. I'm a sucker for kids selling stuff. Lemonade stands, car washes, door-to-door fund raisers... Even if I don't want or need it I end up buying something every time.
5. I can't stand tomatoes. But I love tomato soup, ketchup, etc. It's a texture thing, I think.
6. Next to fantasy, little kid/family movies rock my world. I can't wait for Meet the Robinsons, Shrek the Third, and Ratatouille to come out on DVD.
7. Every year for my birthday, I buy the next year's planner and fill it out during the whole weekend. And this really, really excites me. Like I said, sick. :)