Study Break

Sep 06, 2007 01:11

It's been almost a year since I've had to study for a test--well, on the university level, anyway--and my eyes are starting to burn. Oh, how have I forgotten what hitting the books was like? So I'm taking a break with a pointless survey. Nyeh.

Also, I ran across this most excellent Handy Dandy Livejournal Cheat Sheet over the weekend if anyone is interested.

A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)Full Name::Sara Jean Schmidt Birthday::November 11, 1982 (Veteran's Day) Birthplace::St. Louis, MO Eye Color::mahogany... ok, ok, a glorified brown Hair Color::phoenix feather... yes, pushing it again; red Height::5'4 Weight::all the time. Right handed or Left handed?:right Your Heritage::German, Irish, English, Scottish, Swedish, Dutch, and Indigenous North American My Worst Habit::soft drinks Zodiac Sign::Scorpio Shoe Size::9 Pants Size::comfortable Innie or Outie?:innie Parents Still Together?:Yes The Shoes You Wore Today::None Your Weakness::sugar Your Fears::anything happening to my kid; global warming Your Perfect Pizza::all-organic cheesy goodness Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year::ace my first grad class; get new glasses; lose some weight Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger:omg Thoughts First Waking Up::"time to go back to work"... Your Best Physical Feature::hair Your Bedtime::??? when I fall asleep Your Most Missed Memory::my grandmother MY FAVORITESFavorite color?:orange and green Food?:Italian Sport?:baseball Animal?:cats, frogs, bears, gorillas, sloths Ice Cream?:Breyer's All-Natural Vanilla with Vanilla Beans Candy?:gummy cherries Store?, Llewellyn, Northern Sun...and dare I say it, Target (cringe!!) Salad Dressing?:balsamic vinegar Actor?:Vincent D'onofrio Song?:Stand by Me, Livin' on a Prayer, The Whole Wide World Letter?:S =) Number?:3 Gum?:Big Red/anything cinnamon Holiday?:Samhain/ Halloween Season?:Fall Toothpaste Flavor?:Tom's of Maine Spearmint Radio Station?:my Pandora station Perfume?:Goddess Scent besides perfume?:cinnamon, vanilla, coconut, sandalwood, patchouli, pine Body part on the opposite sex?:shoulders =) FRIENDS AND LIFEWhat Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:a kickass writer, mom, teacher, friend How Do You Want To Die?:painlessly Turn ons::intelligence, kindness, green or blue eyes, big broad shoulders, tallness, compassion Turn offs::smoking, bigotry, far right-wingers Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?:my sister Lola Who's The Loudest?:Tamara Who Makes You Laugh The Most?:Tam Who Have You Known The Longest?:Ashley Who's The Shyist?:Elena When Have You Cried The Most?:on the way to Spain, after my grandmother died... and when I was in the hospital with Sage What Is The Best Feeling In The World?:knowing your kid is gonna make it (and when she gets taken off oxygen!) Worst Feeling?:thinking she's not gonna make it Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?:Love to live in the UK, SF, East Coast, or Canada... but likely won't. Mr. Pheo is pretty attached to the Midwest, and I sort of am too. If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?:self-esteem & body image How Long Do You Think You'll Live?:as long as this world lets me... FINISH EACH SENTENCELet's walk on the:cobblestone beneath the lamp posts and giggle as we trip. Let's look at the:stars and whisper about where we'll be next year. What a nice:way to say you're just ignoring me. :) Where did all the:revolutionists go? Why can't we:all just get along? Silly, little:panda. Isn't it weird that:nice, hardworking, friendly, loving people vote for people who are the opposite? Never under any circumstance:use hand dish soap in the dish washer. It's so not good. I wish:I had stayed a complete vegetarian all those years, not gone back to work in the restaurant business, and kept on with my health. =( Everyone has a:dream; a wish; an issue; a need. I am:totally putting off studying right now. HAVE YOU EVERBeen In Love?:of course Been To Juvie?:no, but my husband came close Mooned Someone?:yes... on a dare Been Rejected?:yes... many times. Especially in interviews. I interview so bad. Ran Away From Home?:yes, but not for long Pictured Your Crush Naked?:of course... :) Skipped School?:yes, several times, and I think everyone should at least once or twice. It's good for you. Thought About Suicide?:yes, several times, unfortunately Slept Outside?:yes, a few times Laughed So Hard You Cried?:yes Cried In School?:yes Thrown Up In School?:yes... on somebody, unfortunately. Wanted To Be a Model?:no way Cheated On Someone?:not physically Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?:tons of things... Seen A Dead Body?:yes, a few Been Bitched Out?:definitely Drank Alcohol?:sure Smoked?:once... and won't ever do it again. Been On Drugs?:no, actually--why does that surprise everybody?? Eaten Sushi?:yes, and I liked it Been On Stage?:yes, and I loved it :) Gone Skinny Dipping?:no, but close Shoplifted?:no, thankfully Been Drunk?:just once Been Called A Tease?:yes Been Beaten Up?:no, I've only been in a couple of minor fights DO YOUSwear?:Yes, way too much in piratey fashion and trying to stop--not for my sake but for Sage's, as she's already said my worst and favorite, beloved F word. =( Sing Well?:Decently; I was in choir for over a decade and love to sing. Shower Daily?:When I can! I don't like to waste a lot of water though. Want To Go To College?:I went for my BA and am back for my MA. Want To Get Married?:Just got married this year, mostly for insurance reasons; we were enjoying pissing everyone off by not being married... Believe In Yourself?:Most days, I think. Get Motion Sickness?:no Think You Are Attractive?:no, though sometimes when I wake up I have lovely porn star hair LOL Get Along With Your Parents?:mostly Like Thunderstorms?:I loved them before Sage was born. Now they make me a little nervous. Play An Instrument?:No, but I sure wish I did. Piano, especially. Own An IPOD?:Nope--that's the only thing I want for Yule. And a staple-less stapler. Pray?:Not in the conventional Midwestern Southern Baptist way. But yes. Go To Church?:My church is outside. Sleep With Stuffed Animals?:No, but my daughter sleeps with a bear--and sometimes she sleeps with me, so does that count? Keep A Journal/Diary?:Yep, this one! Dance In The Rain?:Oh yes, I used to quite often. Dancing = bliss. Sing In The Shower?:Every time. Usually "Me and Bobby McGee," "A Swan," and "You May be Right." Sometimes the scales. Weird, I know. THIS OR THATPepsi or Coke?:Cherry coke (unfortunately). Both are grotesque industries. McDonald's or Burger King?:Neither. Both are sicko. If I had to choose it would be BK. Single or Group Dates?:Both are so much fun! I kind of miss group dates. But singles end better, ha! Chocolate or Vanilla?:Vanilla Strawberries or Blueberries?:Strawberries Meat or Veggies?:Veggies! TV or Movie?:Movies Guitar or Drums?:Guitar. No, drums. Both. Depends on what the song is. :) Adidas or Nike?:Neither. Again, both grotesque... I think Adidas may have less on their record, though. Chinese or Mexican?:Both are scrumdillyumptious. Cheerios or Corn Flakes?:Cheerios. Cake or Pie?:Mmmm, pie. Both. Neither. Depends. MTV or VH1?:Neither, both are crap. Most network TV is crap. Video killed the radio star, man. Look at Romeo Void, man. Awesome stuff, and now where are they? Blind or Deaf?:what the hell kind of ? is this?? Boxers or Briefs?:Boxers are sex-ay. CAN YOUDo The Splits?:Nope Write With Both Hands?:yes Whistle?:yes Blow A Bubble?:yes Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?:No--and it's hereditary, so don't give me any crap about it! lol Cross Your Eyes?:yes Walk With Your Toes Curled?:yes Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?:nope Dance?:"If you can talk, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance." Zimbabwe saying Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?:no way... WHO WAS THE LAST PERSONYou Touched::Sage... she woke up from a nightmare about an hour ago. You Talked To On The Phone::TJ--just a few minutes ago. He works nights. You Instant Messaged::Lela, a coworker. Or it may have been Lisa. You Hugged::Sage before putting her back to sleep You Yelled At::Does my computer count? You Played A Sport With::Jeez, it's been a long time, but probably baseball with TJ. WHAT'S THE LASTTime You Laughed?:Today when Sage was talking on the phone with my mom. Time You Cried?:Last Thursday--or Wednesday, maybe? I was feeling overwhelmed again. Movie You Watched?:Mozart and the Whale, which was excellent, and incidentally made me develop a strange crush on Josh Hartnett, even though his other flicks (so far) did not... Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?:Big Red Joke You Told?:Why don't chickens wear pants? Song You've Sung?:"In the Name of Love (Pride)" by U2 RIGHT AT THIS MOMENTWhere Are You?:at the Burrow (our house), in my office What Can You See Out Your Window?:Nothing--a dark night sky Are You Listening To Music?:I was before Sage got up; the last thing I heard was something by Staind. What Are You Wearing?:green t-shirt and black pants What's On Your Mousepad?:I don't have one. BELIEFSDo you believe there is life on other planets?:Yes. Do you believe in miracles?:Yes. I live with one. Magic?:Yes, of course. I'm pagan. Love at first sight?:Yes, I live with that, too.=) God?:Yes, though again, not the same way the rest of my Midwestern folks do. Satan?:No. Ghosts?:Yes. Santa?:Yes! The spirit of Santa lives in all of us... My favorite part of Christmas/Yule is the spirit of giving and sharing and warmth. Evolution?:Dude, this isn't a belief. It's a scientific fact, and the fact that so many Americans don't "believe" in it scares the shit out of me. IN A BOY...Fav Eye Color::Blue. No, green. Gray is lovely too. So is brown. Eh... Fav Hair Color::Dark. Short or Long Hair::Both. Height::Tall. Weight::Teddy bear-ish. Definitely not skinny. Best Clothing Style::Casual; activist; music groupie. Not yuppie. RANDOMWhat Country Would You Most Like To Visit?:Austria. No, England. No, Fiji. You get the idea... Number Of CD's I Own::Over 200, since my case is overflowing and they're kind of everywhere. Your Good Luck Charm::A phoenix coin surrounded by marble that sits on my desk. How many pillows do you sleep with?:2... though we have a ton on the bed. I love pillows. Do you drink milk?:No, it's gross... but I'll do the instant-breakfast thing sometimes and mix it up. Person You Hate Most::Christopher Columbus. Bush. Constantine. Cheney. Grant. Any abuser of power. Most Outdated Phrase::Whatever. Do you think God has a gender?:Both which equals none. Where do you think we go when we die?:Summerland. Or reincarnation. Does anyone know? How many rings until you answer the phone?:Two, just to make sure it's not a wrong number. =) What is something scientists need to invent?:Decent freaking birth control for women, a cure for AIDS and cancer, a way to get rid of all of the gen. engineered, processed, etc. foods (or a decent way to educate ppl )... Are you a health freak?:An aspiring one. Are you a virgin?:No, not for, what? Twelve years now? If you could travel into space, where would you go?:No idea. It would all be amazing. What is the worst weather?:Hot. Anything over 80F sucks. Did you play with Barbies as a child?:unfortunately...but it wasn't long until I was popping off their heads and throwing them into trees (7? 8?). I preferred Ninja turtles... though I did dig her miniature stuff. How many grades have you failed?:None. though I have failed a class or two--one in high school (physics) and a few in college (mostly math/science based). Take this survey | Find more surveys
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