Commentary on the shows I've been watching on Tuesdays...
This show has really drawn me in. It's witty, fun, light (in tone if not subject matter), and above all that it has heart. It's a procedural show where the characters are more important than the procedures, some times to the point of annoying me, as with the overly drawn out Angela already has a husband arc. But other times this show just really hits the nail smack on the head.
The Booth/Brennan partnership-relationship is one of the most natural on screen relationships I've ever seen. There's serious tension with out over-done repression and the reluctance/wariness comes logically from the characters not from unnecessarily imposed 'misunderstandings' And it's the little things that really seal the deal: drunk Booth on the monument steps, conversations in the diner, Christmas trees. And even though Sweets irks me, their reactions to therapy amuse and entertain. Can we have Stephen Fry back please?
While I'm asking for things though, I'm going to ask that the recent episode on how Booth is "That Guy!" be expunged from the record. Please? It was redundant, irritating, and grating. The whole set-up of the damn show is that Booth is "that guy" and if it's taken the squints this long to figure it out they're really not as smart as they're supposed to be. The audience doesn't need the reminder either. Plus I totally agree that Brainy Smurf was the better idea.
I missed the first several episodes of Survivor: Princeton Plainsboro because after my disappointment with last year's season of missed opportunities I had originally intended not to come back. However, Reaper failed to inspire me and I heard decent things about the first several episodes so I tuned back in just in time to watch Jacob Carter
Carmen Argenziano get fired. In the end I'm neither particularly impressed nor put off by the new ducklings. I don't see why they felt the need to introduce CameronV2.0 as they've already proved they can't consistently handle a female character with that personality type, but I'd rather look at her regularly that 'Cut Throat Bitch'.
I'll probably keep watching when it comes back, as it follows Bones, but I'm no longer very invested in House.
This is one of those shows that I tend to watch during rerun season or if Bones isn't on for some reason aka FOX's obsession with the World Series. While I enjoy it I don't find it particularly compelling, at least partially because there is no character I really identify with. I love that Pauley Perrette actually has the background to do the job her character does and I've enjoyed watching Tony grow up a little, but it's never going to be a show I get upset about missing.
On a separate note, I've just finished watching my S1 New Who (aka Eccleston) DVDs....
- Mickey's got a single earing (Owen in Torchwood too). Does that not mean what the kids used to say it meant when I was growing up? Or was that just a regional thing to begin with?
- I still don't find Jack Harkness to be all that attractive in S1 Who. Him in Torchwood is another matter entirely. Yum!
- "Parting of the Ways" had me crying straight through.