Happy Birthday to Brandie!
So, back on Sunday I did the "time stamp" meme. If you missed it the first time please feel free to play along,
HERE. Otherwise, the results are as follows...
mingsmommy asked for something set 4 years after
"Poisson D'Avril", which was the last of my GSR holiday stories and ended with Grissom and Sara being engaged.
The fluff is here. belismakr asked for something set 5 minutes after
The Thermite Theory", which was a post ep for "Daddy's Little Girl".
Sexier fluff here. Doctor Who
gabesaunt asked for a piece set 5 years after
In The End (Spoiler for the end of S2 of the new series). She got two as I was 3/4 of the way through one when I decided that maybe I wanted to switch perspectives.
Angst Ahoy