Apr 23, 2006 17:09
Yes, that's right JJ Abrams...as in the pain in the ass who creates amazing shows and then drops them to move onto other projects without completing them. Damn you JJ for giving us two wonderful years of "Alias" and the cocking it up and stringing us along for 3 more. Doulbe Damn you for making me care again and reminding me how good this show used to be when there are only 4 episodes left. JJ, you are the reason I will never watch "LOST".
Can you tell I just watched this past weeks 2 part Alias event? It was awesome. Missions, double crosses, tripple crosses, and guest appearances all over the place. The titles were back to no longer being the Sydney show and I didn't even mind the newer faces. Welcome back (again) Lena Fucking Olin. You are amazing! And Vaughn is TEH!HOTNESS even with all the scruff. And Jack...you really should shoot the 'dead' woman just be sure she's dead. Didn't Irina teach you anything?
Interesting that Irina felt she had to choose between being a mother and an agent and she chose to be an agent. I think she chose the path that scared her less, that put her more in control. And I find that an interesting new angle to consider because I don't generally think of Irina as being scared of anything. Also, I don't think Sydney will have to make that choice, or rather I think Syd's definition of 'failure as an agent' will be different enough to allow her to do both.
Marshall is still my favorite computer Geek on TV and you can't help but love Dixon. Sloane needs to get his come-upance and I don't care enough about Nadia to hope they don't do it through her. It was nice to see Weiss again, and I totally squeed during the previews when they showed Will and Francinator even though I had been slightly spoiled for that. In fact the only person who I haven't seen a clip of (don't know anything about) and I'd love to see before the end would be Sark again.
I'm sure there will be a couple more of these leading up to the end of "Alias". If you don't care, just skip 'em. If you're a fan please feel free to squee along.
Also, as a general rule I don't do spoilers. General casting stuff I don't mind, but please don't tell me anything about who does what to/with whom. K thanks.
tv: alias,