So last night I saw "New Moon"...
A few caveats -
1. I've read Twilight, but not any of the other books.
2. I've seen Twilight twice - First the morning after the BSG finale and second yesterday on my way to getting drunk enough to watch the sequel.
3. We brought alcohol into the theater with us.
I'm really not a fan of the books and the movies aren't an improvement. I had a good time at the movie but that had less to do with the film and more to do with the company.
Bella mopes. Edward sparkles. Jacob has fur. Alice is awesome and even human Jessica has more personality than the triangle.
The sparkle effects are better in the sequel, but the werewolf effects were rather obvious and low budget feeling for a film that was pretty much guaranteed to be a blockbuster. My biggest issue though was with the serious over use of the spinning camera it was distracting, over used and bad enough to make even the sober squealing teens comment.
I did learn a couple of things from the movie though:
RPat has funny nipples KStew can actually look cute when she cleans up Jailbait has an AMAZING body but only slightly more personality than Sparkles Dakota Fanning is a lot older than my mental picture of her is Michael Welch sort of reminds me of Goonies era
Corey Feldman If you enjoyed the first movie, you'll probably like the second. Otherwise drunk and snarky is the way to go.