Dec 29, 2008 14:40
I'm having trouble focusing my first day back at work after taking a
week off for Christmas so let's have a discussion...
It happens to ever reader eventually - You burn your way through a
well written book, with engaging characters, and the plot that's been
eating your brain comes to a satisfactory conclusion, but there are
plenty of unanswered questions and mac truck sized openings for
further stories. So you hope on the trusty internet and head over to
the author's blog to find out that not only are there no more stories
the author frowns on sequels in general.
As a 'writer' I thought the author's explanation was very reasonable:
'while I know more about the characters and what goes on in their
lives, I don't have a story to tell about it. So stop
asking/begging/complaining.' Sometimes the plot bunnies only give you
so much to work with. And stuff you churn out just to make others
happy usually isn't very good.
But as a reader, let me tell you, I pouted. It's not that the author
hasn't written plenty more books that are probably interesting, but I
have a strong preference for world building and stories that build on
others, not just stand alones.
So I ask you, F'list, how do you feel about sequels? Reading them?
Writing them? Not being able to find them because the library only
carries books 1, 2 and 4?
Discuss. :-D