Rome Distracted Me

Jul 21, 2016 19:55

So we left our apartment in Dublin and headed to the airport where we had to sleep on a tile floor for 4 hours. Or, Anne slept on the tile floor while Courtney and I stayed awake getting stir crazy. We then got on the plane to Paris where we found that it actually took like 2 hours to get to the city from the airport via bus. When we got to the city it took us awhile but we figured out how to bus to the tower which we saw and it was pretty underwhelming. It's kind of small and the area around it isn't pretty at all. That's another thing, Paris is ugly. The buildings are all white and boring. We are some food by the tower and decided it wasn't worth going to the louvre so we took the several buses back to the airport (which took like 4 hours) and then got on a plane to Rome.

We got to Rome very late so we taxied to our apartment which ended up being at the top of a really tall building without an elevator. To our surprise, the place was air conditioned and really nice. The shower was tiny and we realized we had the wrong outlet converters but we ended up jamming ours into their outlets which worked (how did we not burn this place down?)

The next day we saw a lot of the sites. The pantheon, the fountain of the four Rivers, the forum and the coliseum. We went home to escape the heat and napped a little before getting dinner and then visiting the Trevi fountain. We then bought some wine and drank and the apartment before going to bed.

The next morning we woke up early to make our way to the Vatican. We walked through the museum and Sistine chapel, which in my opinion was boring as fuck. all of the art is the same over and over again. The Sistine chapel would have been better had we not had to walk through the whole museum to get there. We then walked around to St. Peter's basilica which was beautiful and took some pics. we then went home, napped and got some dinner. We then went to the Spanish steps which were under construction but still pretty cool. Then we had another night of drinking and cards.

Finally this morning we left the apartment so the cleaners could come (which they never did) and got some lunch and bus tickets. We then decided to visit the churches Robert Langdon visited in angels and demons which was fun. We are now waiting for a good time to go to the bus to head to the airport in our cold apartment.

Addendum: can't forget these things

-Almost being denied access to ryanair flight to Paris because we didn't get our documents checked before hand

-kid giving me a coin at the Trevi fountain because "you're here, you have to do it!"

-having to taste test the wine every time because I am a man

-the kopperberg girls (mixed berry) who we are gonna meet in Las Vegas

-the girl having a panic attack on the plane to Rome.

-the cute redhead who kept giving me candy on the plane to Dublin

-the guys in Paris that sang a song when I spilled all of my coins onto the ground, but helped me pick them all up. (I spilled my coins a thousand times. I'm not built for Vera Bradley)

-the disgusting bread and cheese for breakfast in Rome

-Anne getting skirt stuck in escalator
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