Apr 07, 2008 14:15
I wanted to spend this weekend to myself at home and that mission was accomplished. I had a nice night on Friday with a few friends, but I was hellbent on staying home Saturday and Sunday for some R & R. This last week had just wiped me out with all the different things I had to do and what not. So, with that goal in mind, I set out on my mission, and I suppose you could say, there's no rest for the wicked.
My roommate drove me crazy all weekend long. It's like I can't escape her. I've lived in places before where you can live with someone and yet be strangers with them. It's like that with me and one of my other roommates, but not this one. She is always home, always. Whenever I come home from doing whatever it is I do, she's always there and she always wants to talk about what's going on in her life, to the point that you spend 45 minutes just trying to extricate yourself from the conversation.
I tried to hide myself in my bedroom, but that was to no avail. She'd just come up and knock on the door and start talking. I want so badly to say shut the hell up or leave me alone, but technically she's my landlord. It's just not a fun situation. I have so much stress happening in my life that I'm trying to resolve, she doesn't help it at all. I just want some peace and quiet in a place where I pay to live, is that really too much to ask for?