[what's it all about][01 - 05] the movies i loved in 2012 - Cabin In the Woods, Cloud Atlas, The Dark Knight Rises, Looper, Les Miserables; [06 - 08] best cartoon characters - Roger, Dipper, Homer Simpson; [09 - 11] ladies of American Horror Story; [12 - 14] ladies of 2012 tv - bb Alison, Amy "i wish your last episode was somewhat emotional" Pond, Ruby "teen wolf" Red; [15 - 17] games of 2012 - Diablo III, Skyrim and Dishonored; [18 - 20] music of 2012 - Aiden "i wish more people were listening to your album because it was great" Grimshaw; Lana "pepsi flavored" del Rey and Icona "best pop album of 2012" Pop.