the 100. Damn it was good. Like a real solid sci-fi with lots of green and ladies kicking everyone's asses! And how amazing was Anya(i guess i have a soft spot for any modificaton of this name, Anyanka, anyone?), btw it just dawned on me that she's also Sierra from Dollhouse. I want to icon every cap wit her face in it!! I also really liked the way they are not afraid of killing people off. MAking a series more "real" in a way. Every action here has consiquences. The only question i have i why the hell humanity has degraded so much in just a 97 years. Anya is what, the 3rd/4th generation? Why everything's so tribal!? Not to steal anything away form it but i kind of saw the last twist coming from the first episode, but it's still cool in a way that it opens such a vast pool of questions!! BASICALLY EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH 100!! IT HAS DESMOND BTW!!
Teen Wolf. At this point the show is just pure camp. It's like they just add stuff as they go, not even thinking about consistency or what not. Though i like the way the pack has morphed into this lady-pack :]