Oct 27, 2006 00:20
So i realise it's been about a month since i've been on livejournal so here's a post/summary of October:
Rookie night: the girls part is the best part ever. One of the Rookies got a fire truck and destroyed herself. I got over Billeaux finally.
School: I had a pretty stressful week and then a less stressful week. I got some work back that i'm not happy with so i went to talk to my profs and i feel better now.
Work: I sang my first national anthem for the women's hockey game... and i forgot to turn the mic on...oops
Friends: I've become really close with BBASM. we see each other.. about everyday. it's nice. Also i've become much closer with Cinderella. Some friends i've kinda lost touch with and that's balls. The P-Unit was going to dress up together but a lot of them pooped out. THEN i got a threatening e-mail from one of them saying that she'd never talk to me again if I said that it would have been fun. So she threatened me because SHE bummed out on our plan. And then she said she's doing another theme with other people. So... i'm confused... she left me empty handed and wont' talk to me if i have fun on Halloween? it's weird. I have no idea.
Boys: A secret crush of mine might not be lost completely... we had a nice talk this week. Billeaux still calls me, i want it to be awkward like it used to be... when he didn't talk to me after Rookie Night... It was nice. i still think he's great, i'm just not ready for it yet.
ITW: It's ok. i'm gettin frustrated being called for 4 hours and sitting doing NOTHING for 3 hours and 45minutes. I had a nice venting session with Eddie yesterday.
Me: I've been extremely moody lately. I've kind of fallen into a fit of depression. People are letting me down all over the place. Liars, fakes, liars... mostly liars. i don't see the reasoning behind it, ever. It's so much easier to be honest. I'm not being as active as i was last year because i dont have intense dance reheasals, i just stand there. I think it's a matter of being active. i'm going to start Yoga i think. ok, yes, i'll do that. ok, i'm going to bed. i have a great day planned for tomorrow.