phatpatinthehat's Halloween party:
6tremor6christ6 dressed as the love child of Woody Harrelson and Monica Lewinsky.
a_girl_like_you dressed as your cousin.
cloudbound didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
darkangel513 dressed as a cow.
ediblecamel dressed as Daniela Pestova's mother-in-law.
fussundgeist dressed as a vampire.
jacketchampion dressed as Tom Cruise.
kharedryl dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Dorothy, though it looked more like a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Tough Commander.
light_maddie dressed as a ferret.
midnight_flyer dressed as Ronald Reagan.
mithgarian dressed as a Lela Quince ComputersCo. employee.
orchid_angel dressed as Vanna White.
ramzgt dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Cauldron of Iron.
risaka dressed as a asset, and it suited them all too well.
sc24evr dressed as the President of Comoros.
silentcircut dressed as a safety for the Broncos, though it looked more like a reversible ghost.
steveandpowell dressed as a new superhero: Atomic Victory.
Throw your own party at the
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