Jul 27, 2005 10:19
I haven't updated in months
Went to camp last night with Mary-Anne to visit with our buddies and see Paul Wright in concert. I enjoyed myself to the maximum amount of enjoyment. I was able to see Matt, whom I have quite the interest for. He goes back to Pennsylvania next week, however I know if this is all part of God's will, nothing will get in the way of us. I know it's not going to be easy though, which is why I must trust in God completely or else it may not work out.
I've decided that I have way too much stuff to move to Monmouth. I don't know how I have acquired all of these goods, but in reality I don't even need half of the stuff I've kept. A good portion of it is memorabilia from times in the past and little things that I thought I might need later, but really there is no use for them. I enjoy keeping everything though, because when I look back on it later, it brings a huge smile to my face, especially camp odds and ends. Encouragement notes, pictures, drawings from campers, random lanyards, they are all part of what Camp Harlow is to me.
So coming back home, and not being at camp is a weird transition. Getting used to sleeping in a cabin with many girls and always waking up to other people being in the room with you, getting ready, showering, doing the whole morning routine. So here I am now, at my house, with barely any motivation to get out of bed. I already miss the girls at camp and being so near to them. As me and Mary-Anne discussed on the way home, last night was what we needed to bring us a little bit of joy so we could go on with our week. It was nice to see everyone again, even if it was only 2 days ago when we last saw them, it felt like much longer.
Something nice about being home is that I have had more free time to spend in the Word, and pray. I'm trying VERY hard to keep my main focus on God right now, which is difficult when you like someone a great deal. I'm mainly thanking God for all of the happiness that Matt has brought me thus far, because in every situation all glory goes to our Father above.
My new motivation is: "You'll never know if you're capable if you don't try."
I told my mom that yesterday when she was having a hard time with the realization of me leaving for Monmouth in a month. I told her that it's a time in my life where I have to grow up and get ready to function in the real world on my own. She told me that she wishes I would just stay at home. I mentioned that my brother is on his own and has been for awhile, and she doesn't worry much about him. This is when she said that he's been doing it for awhile so he knows what he's doing. My rebuttle was that I will never be able to get to the point unless she let's go, and supports me in what I'm going to be doing. I hope it brought some clarity to the situation.
Let me tell you having Mary-Anne as a best friend is quite the treat. The good memories are countless. We've had so much fun so far this summer, and I can only imagine what there is for us to come in the next month.
-Romans 8:39 is a pretty sweet verse:
"Nothing will ever be able to seperateus from the love of God."
Keep that in your minds and hearts this week as you do all that you can to glorify him :)
-This has been Kristin Lynn Williams signing out.