Big BigBang Revelations OR Why I'm taking all my meals via IV from now on

May 16, 2010 10:34

So I was going over my notes this morning, getting ready to get the first words on paper for 'Polar Night'. And then I realized something: the sheer size of what I'm writing.

Currently, I have thirteen planned chapters. If I write just 5,000 words per chapter, that's still 65,000 words. But I know my writing, and I'll be lucky if I can keep it to 8,000 words per chapter. So I think I'm looking at a low-end estimate of 110,000 words in this fic.


Oh God, what I have I gotten myself in to?

type: bigbang, writing makes me want to take up drinkin, omg my life is ~over~, man up bitch!, fic stuff: polar night, pass the paper bag

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