reporting in

Sep 06, 2010 17:49

Hey, it's me. I'm still alive. Just been inordinately busy lately. I'll continue with that song thingie one of these months.

It was time to procrastinate again, I checked lj for the first time in a while, and felt like reposting this quote. I kinda like it. For a politics junkie, it seems to explain a lot --

"W.H. Auden makes a beautiful distinction I have often drawn on between Eden and the New Jerusalem. The Utopian, Auden points out, looks always forward. His griefs are irritation and rage at incompletion. The dreamer of Eden looks backward to a world complete but impossible to return to, and the causes of his expulsion are no part of his dream; his trouble is melancholy. Between the two, "the gulf is unbridgeable." ... In Eden, Auden says, everyone should do what he wants; in the New Jerusalem everyone wants to do what he should. The two equations ought to match up; the joke is that they don't; the triumph would be to show they can and will. "

- from writer crowleycrow's journal
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