[09] [BACKDATED TO START OF EVENT; voice->open commentlog]

Mar 10, 2010 12:40

[The ECHO comm clicks, and for once her voice is rigidly controlled. However long it lasts. Lower, too.]

You fucking playing with me?

What the fuck did you do to me while I was asleep!?

[Annnnd she loses it. Some people WILL know that girlish frustrated shriek! Sorry about your ears. For those in the vicinity of Deck 11, that was her room door banging open and shut, and her heels click clacking for the floor elevators.]

ripa/thearbiter, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck your boat, anna two, premeditating agony, marco devera, jsyk she's going to ream you, i'm a god you can't touch me, !event, sherlock holmes 15yrslater and still hot, caged bird screams

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