Your Name: Lou
Age: 17
munchachaEmail: hanyuurei at yahoooooooooooo dot com
IM: discof1refly (AIM) or Wicketres (also AIM). Sometimes Pidgin likes to disconnect one or the other, and I’ll have no idea.
Character Name: Lilith
Series: Borderlands
Timeline: Just as the group realizes the Vault doesn’t have shit inside it, after squashing the Destroyer.
Background: That’s not too extensive, and it only gives a rough hint as to her personality; you kinda have to go through the game and listen to the class ‘says’ on Critical Hits, reviving allies, killing with the Action Skill / her Phasewalk in this case, opening chests, duel taunts, taunts upon killing the elites known as Badasses… yeah. Her
soundboard might help, even if it’s sadly very incomplete.
Spoken / written languages: English
Abilities: This is long-winded, sorry! Phasewalking, leaking acid, setting herself and anything close by on fire, palmstriking with style and futzing around with temporal bubbles, from what’s shown up in-game that isn’t tampered with by class mods. Extra resistance to the elements. That is to say:
Phasewalking is accessing an ‘alternate dimension’, making Lilith super-speedy, invisible and inaccessible, keeping in mind that she can see everything as it is (without color). Interacting with people and objects while in this dimension isn’t possible-e.g. violence against a person while in the phase will yoink her out of the walk. She can’t pick up anything and throw it, either, but just touching people and objects is no problem and can make things very painful for the recipient. Her proximity is enough to burn electrically, but slowly, and it takes a while for it to be enough for an actual kill.
Though it’s optional and depends on what suits Lilith at the time, she can enter and exit Phasewalk with a sort of nova shockwave effect. Very nasty present left behind for whatever’s in range. Coming in and out of Phasewalk, Lilith looks a bit like a human-shaped
jellyfish. (2:55 in the vid)
Her ‘palm-strike’ consists of shoving out an energy blast from her hand, and assumedly any part of her body that could melee. Likewise, Lilith can summon a corrosive substance to do some extra damage.
‘Temporal bubbles’ is just a fancy phrase saying that Lilith can slow or speed up time in small pockets of space-never stop. She has to make contact with the area in some way before any effect can be made. As in, shooting it, slapping it, Phaseblasting it. The bubbles are visible, yellowish, roiling and foggy.
Lilith is resistant in that while she isn't going to run through a blazing inferno and come out the other side scot-free, it's damn hard to injure her with, say, a fireball by itself. Corrosive chemicals will slide off, unless she's practically bathing in the stuff, in which case she probably deserves whatever she gets. Electricity... she's durable. In moderate conditions.
(The ‘setting self on fire’ doesn’t really need explaining, and I’m pretty sure that the wings which show up in screenshots while she burns are just Lilith showing off. All of these are definitely gonna be toned down for
ms-elegante. Very open to suggestions on where to start with that, but by default I’d nix the acid, most of the fire, and make it a serious pain in the ass for her to do the bubble thing.)
Items: Anshin-brand high-capacity shield, complimentary Dahl-brand ECHO communicator
Third Person Sample:
“Cute,” Lilith observed from the safety of the elevator. She slouched lazily over the rail and bit back another, less wise comment while their tank brutalized the closest wall. You didn’t snark at Brick, at least not when it was the ‘roids in charge. He was doing them all a favor by focusing on inanimate objects and not the fresh corpses turning the room’s flooring into a bumpy, macabre joke.
She flicked blood off of a stud and made a disgusted face. “Too much spray that time, guys. I hope you don’t expect me to do the housework.”
Mordecai grinned at her, which she felt deserved an arched eyebrow, plus a heap of cat-like disdain. Cutting off any imminent banter, Lilith blithely stepped away from the railing and directly onto the throat of a masked bandit still breathing. That got a chuckle before Bloodwing demanded attention and treats.
“Okay, that’s fucked up.” She perked at this and flounced over to see what was bothering their fearless leader.
It was a lamp. Instead of the shiny new vase look, the bandits had installed a leg. From the gory mess where its knee should have been, the splintered bone fragments as well as the worn-and-torn look of the clothing and solitary shoe, the thing was no petty imitation. Lilith clapped a hand over her nose.
“Ugh! Laaaaame. We gotta throw that out, it stinks.”
“No shit.”
Silence, other than Brick’s heavy breathing. None of them cared to approach him, as he had to have been nearly twice Lilith’s height and ten times as muscular. If someone had biceps on his neck, she habitually did not ask him to take out the trash. Or be the girl responsible for melting a group asset. Waste of resources.
Mordecai cleared his throat. Lilith snuck a sidelong glance to see him staring right at Roland. Or so she thought; hard to tell what with the blank red of his lenses. She turned back to the ex-Lancer, spreading her hands beseechingly and smiling. He scowled. “Bunch of pansies. Fine.” To emphasize his badassery, Roland grabbed the leg where the bloody mess was worse and slouched off.
First Person Sample:
Oh my god, this is just absurd.
So I’m not down with having my crap start to disappear. Key word there is ‘my’. Meaning, it’s mine. Not yours, not your crusty mother’s. If you’re still not getting it, I mean that people touching my shit is beyond uncool. It ticks me off.
Like, right now, I’m toootally chill. No need for people to get hurt. Frankly? You wanna keep it that way. Sweetheart, nobody likes me when I’m angry …
Preferred Quarters: Deck 11! Yes, fire everywhere, but after Pandora I don’t think that Lilith would mind feeling a little toasty. Any room is totes cool, since she’d make a point of doing whatever she pleased in hers.