Trying to Find Something to Do

Apr 28, 2009 09:51

Who: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, OPEN
Where: The Library
When: After the black out
Summary: Trying to find something to do right now
Warnings: Nada

Since coming to this place, the main thing that Wesley had figured out was that there wasn't much to do. He still didn't quite understand just how or why he was here, but he was determined to find out at some point. Right now, however, the main thing that he needed to do was fill in a little bit of extra time. OK, maybe a lot of extra time.

That was how he had stumbled across this library. Not quite as...eccentric as his own in his own apartment, but more than enough to pass the time. If he were a lesser man, he might have squealed when he found it. Of course, he did have to smile anyway. It was nice to actually find something to do that was a little more up his alley than something like the gym or the bar that he had also seen.

wesley wyndam-pryce, buffy summers

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