Apr 27, 2009 16:51
Who: Matt Murdock/ Dare Devil, Dick Grayson/ Nightwing,
Where: The Gym
When: Afternoon after the big computer fiasco
Summary: DC's Best Acrobat meet..Marvel's best Acrobat.
Warnings: Don't underestimate the blind.
Dick Moved So easily the untrained eye might have thought the Mid-air Show of Acrobatic prowess he was demonstrating was as easy as riding a bike. To Dick Grayson thats the way it should always be to his Audience and very often his enemies. There wasn't much need to work on the Trapeze but Without a living breathing sparring partner he was out of luck. The Facilites Drones didn't give him much challenge and Tim was often busy with his own plans when they werent beaming themselves to The Chunk of Gotham they could get to. What was he to do?
Dick Swung himself up to catch the other swinging bar, The net below so tempting at the moment to let down and really let lose. No there was no need to, without an audience what good was preforming?
tim drake,
matt murdock,
dick grayson