Characters: Melaka Fray, Harth Fray
Where: Mel's living quarters
When: Several hours after their return from the first mission.
Summary: The twins meet up, tempers flare, emo-ness is to be had, the usual.
Melaka Fray, no more than four hours after returning from the first mission was sitting in what she'd deemed her living quarters, at the kitchen counter, having pulled one of the dining room chairs over to it. There was a light panel beneath the cabinet and she's turned it on, illuminating the countertop brightly. In her exploration, she'd found the infirmary. With a little more exploring, she'd found a first aid kit sealed in a clear plastic bag. She'd grabbed two, one to use and one to save for another time, before returning to her room, leaving the main door open, not really caring at the moment. Mel grabbed the tweezers, leaning forward, getting as closed to her hand as possible, beginning to pull slivers of wood and small bits of glass from the wound in her palm. She grit her teeth, inhaling sharply through her nose.
"This is so toy.... Rutting lurk...." Mel grumbled to herself as she worked.