The unDead Shall Crawl and Devour Us All -- It's Zombie Week!

Oct 25, 2009 13:15

Characters: All are welcome
When: During the zombie/monster/ghoul attack (more toward the beginning)
Where: Inside the Complex
What: In a battle of living versus undead, who will survive and who will fall victim to this hideous disease as it spreads throughout the Complex?!
Warnings: gore/violence/vore/language/Roman

Notes: This post is open to the ( Read more... )

tim drake, the princess, harley quinn, the joker, supergirl, cissie king-jones, thirteen, skuld

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XD Harley ~<33 kara_of_steel October 27 2009, 04:31:18 UTC
Kara frowned. The smoke rising from the explosion was blocking her vision just a bit, and she made sure to close her eyes before giving a slight cough, to make sure she didn't fry anything she wasn't aiming for. She opened them again and propelled herself into a high-speed twist for a few seconds to clear the smoke from her view.

The first thing she locked eyes on was a lovely woman prancing through the mass of zombies with a... a mallet? Why did that seem familiar? Her eyes narrowed as she watched the woman continue across the room. Her clothes were different, but when she spoke there was no mistaking that accent. Kara's eyes widened. "HarleyQuinn?!" How did she get here?! She and Barbara had taken care of her, Livewire, and Poison Ivy! And she'd said 'Mistah J..." Kara could only assume what that must mean. Great.

But there was something rather more important calling her attention. She turned back to the zombie scene and her eyes widened when she noticed that the zombies were heading out of the hole she'd made in the wall. "Ohhh, no!" She groaned. She'd have to take care of this more directly.

Ignoring Harley, she flew to the opening in the wall, blocking the zombies' path as she sent a heat ray across the mass, catching each in turn. Or so she hoped.


entro_pist October 28 2009, 02:02:55 UTC
Kara was right: there certainly was no mistaking that voice. The Joker, even in his reduced state of mind, oriented his head in Harley's direction as she approached. Saying nothing he only stared up at her, dazed and with jaw caught in the open position as if stricken by a case of lockjaw.

More of the ravenous undead were beginning to appear, attracted either by all the activity being generated or by the mere scent of fresh human meat. Through the smoke they swarmed, trampling over the charred remains of their own kind, driven by nothing but sheer, carnal hunger. One of them, a typical Wall Street business executive in expensive loafers and a suit (all scuffed and ruined with blood), lurched toward Harley with a crazed snarl.


teehee <3 Kara <3 sugarclown October 28 2009, 03:39:21 UTC
Well fine, the flying hussy could ignore her all she wanted, as long as she flew away from Harley's man, all was good. With one final fist shake and a raspberry, Harley turned her attentions from Kara to the Joker.

"Puddin', what's wrong? Talk ta me! It's your pooh bear, Harleykins, baby doll!" She pleaded, wiping some drool from his chin with her thumb. She heard the business zombie before she saw him.

"Hold on a sec, mistah J. This will just take a minute." With a wink, she stood up and readied her mallet like it was a golf club.

"Back off, buddy. I don't need insurance or a home loan!" When he got close enough she swung, hitting him in the chin and knocking his head clean off. "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!"


kara_of_steel October 29 2009, 07:16:13 UTC
Well, Kara had succeeded in downing a whole group of zombies, but there were still more coming! Her eyes widened and she growled. How could she get this problem under control? Also, how was she going to get Harley Quinn and Joker out of there safely? Yes, that was largely a concern on her mind. She knew any of her comrades would do the same. Nobody deserved to die. And Kara wasn't going to abandon them.

She watched Harley Quinn bat a zombie's head clear off and paled ever so slightly, staring with wide eyes for a moment in her surprise. She hadn't remembered Harley being so... violent. She was snapped back to reality when a few groaning bodies came at her from one side. She turned to them and waited until they were close enough before crouching down and giving each of them a swift uppercut, one after the other. They hit the ground and began to stumble to their feet again, more joining them. Kara zapped them and a few others with her heat vision before turning to Harley.

"Harley! You and Joker have got to get out of here! These things keep coming, and he looks injured. Take him to safety!" She instructed, and sent a few more zombies flying with her fists. She turned in the direction of Harley and Joker again, using her X-Ray vision to scan for a wall that could serve as another exit.

Finding one not too far from them, she took a deep breath and let out as strong a heat beam as she could manage, blasting most of a good-sized hole in the wall. If they needed it any bigger, Harley could manage easy enough with her mallet.

"GO!" Kara yelled, turning back to the zombies whom she'd ignored for just a little too long. They were beginning to surround her. Kara's eyes narrowed, ready for battle.


entro_pist October 30 2009, 02:59:40 UTC
The zombie's head, upon completing its airborne arc, landed heavily on the floor like a shot cannonball where it bounced once and rolled underfoot the rallying army of undead. Now headless, the zombie staggered away with no sense of direction before it finally toppled over.

Despite the threat of growing danger and the red hot blast of sold metal being vaporized, the Joker's eyes remained fixed on Harley. He rigidly began the process of dragging himself up off the floor, possibly reacting to the hollered command to flee or possibly something else entirely. Gloved fingers flexed, reaching out toward the woman beside him.


sugarclown October 30 2009, 17:35:13 UTC
"Wow, what a shot!" Harley grinned and watched the head sail away, giggling like mad when the body fell over. "HOLE IN ONE! And the crowd goes wiiiiiiiiild~ literally."

She was shook out of her happy trance by the man-stealer calling her name. How the heck did she kno-- oh yeah, famous criminals. Duh!

"Yeah, yeah, we're goin', we're goin'! Sheesh. Pushy, much?" She scoffed at the floating blond before turning to her man. Awh, he was making grabby hands! So ka-yoot!

"I'm right here, puddin'. Let's getcha outta here."

Shouldering her mallet, Harley reached out an arm to help her man up and supported his weight with her body, her ample bosom acting like a pillow for his tired widdle head~ <3.

"Let's go, mistah J. These guys are playin' rough."


entro_pist November 2 2009, 01:31:32 UTC
Clinging sloppily to the offered support, the Joker let Harley lead him through the newly fashioned escape route and then on in whichever direction she pleased. He wasn't about to leave her side. No, for the first time he wanted her company and followed her as closely as possible even while movement independent of her aid became increasingly easier. His jaw released along with his shoulders and he flexed and rolled one after another, tonguing the scarred corners of his mouth. But something was still off, a peculiar disjointedness of movement.

He tipped his head to his shoulder, back arching, then twisted toward Harley, still keeping pace at her side. His head dipped low to rest against her where she had initially pulled and placed him and drew in a long breath through mouth and nose. His cooling tongue, unnaturally dark, touched warm skin just above where Harley's clothes covered her. A low, viscous sound, a growl or quite possibly a chuckle, bubbled up slowly in the back of his throat as he bit down suddenly, savagely, into her flesh.


AM I IN THE RIGHT PLACE NOW? D8 mykindoftwisted November 3 2009, 03:01:54 UTC
"Jesus fuckin' christ! The hell is this shit, Night of the Living Dead? Fuck, stay down!" This last exclamation was accompanied by the sharp report of a gun, a series of meaty thumps, and, finally, the sickening crack of bone.

Roman, it seemed, was out and about, and he'd found the zombies.

Zombies weren't what he was really looking for, though. No, what he was looking for was a certain little cunt who'd had the nerve to shoot him- twice- right in the fucking stomach. He'd been stocking up with lots of fun toys lately, and he planned on getting real damned creative with her this time. I mean, sure, only a month's worth of healing might not have done a hell of a lot, and it might make revenge just a bit harder to attain, but he was damn determined to get it anyway.

It seemed, though, that this little zombie outbreak was going to end up putting a bit of a damper on his plan.

Still muttering a steady stream of curses, Roman rounded a corner, went down a short hallway, and around another corner- and that was when he saw Harley and the Joker. He stopped abruptly, taking in the scene now before him. Of course, being himself, he wasn't just going to walk away- c'mon. Roman's a lot more fun than that. "Hey! Get a goddamned room, you two!"


YES 8D sugarclown November 3 2009, 03:41:39 UTC
It tickled at first, the tongue on her skin. He had never been all frisky before, maybe it was the blood loss. Whatever, Harley was going to take advantage of it. She giggled, "Mistah J, stoooop." It was playful at first. Even as he bit down.

"Puddin'! My goodness! ...That... that really... that HURTS, Puddin'! O-ow, Mistah J. I like it rough but not that-- Mistah J? STOP IT!"

Soon she was screaming, trying to push him off of her, punching him in the head, anything to get him to let go but that only increased the tearing and the pain. Normally she was into a little biting but this was not a little.


entro_pist November 7 2009, 03:08:37 UTC
This was much more than a little. Brutally relentless, the Joker refused to let go and the more Harley screamed and fought, the harder he bit down, grinding his teeth into her. Skin stretched and flesh tore. Blood pumped out of severed surface vessels as he came away with a mouthful of Harley. He didn't chew, too overcome by voracious hunger to bother wasting time, and swallowed the piece whole. He had yet to notice his audience come to view the spectacle and carried on oblivious to Roman's presence.

Struggle as she might, he wasn't about to let Harley get away. Now that he'd had a taste he wanted more more more. He would stop at nothing, not even a mallet to the face if Harley could manage it. Mad with the need for flesh, he forcefully dragged her down to the floor with the bulk of his weight and ripped at the laces of her corset in a gruesome parody of romance until he'd exposed one of her sides. Again teeth sunk into milky, white skin and the rich pinks and crimsons of flesh beneath.


sugarclown November 10 2009, 03:52:58 UTC
Harley had never experienced pain like this in all of her short life. It was searing and raw and strangely... kind of turning her on. The pain in her chest and the heat in her belly were simultaneous and probably wouldn't even exist if it wasn't the Joker ripping her apart with his teeth. It was horrifyingly erotic.

She wouldn't want to die any other way.

"Stay back!" She choked out to Roman, holding a hand out to caution him. It wasn't because she cared for his safety or anything like that, she just didn't want him to separate her from her man. Only the Joker was allowed to touch her like this, rip her apart, bleed her dry. Damn, it was amazing.

Her screams sounded almost melodic. Like a cross between a moan and a song, only high pitched and horror-movie like.

This... this was bliss.


Sorry for my absence! ;o; kara_of_steel November 10 2009, 12:05:19 UTC
Kara growled as she turned back to the surrounding zombies. Gosh, there were a lot! Where were these things coming from?! Maybe if she could find the source, they'd stop appearing?

"Get back!" She yelled, taking out a line of them with her heat vision. That only worked for a moment, until the rest filled in the newly opened space. They were closing in. She'd have to take them all out from the sky again. In an effort to gain herself a little time, she turned a circle with her heat vision, taking out the first line of zombies and a few other unlucky ones. The sounds of gunshot distracted her, making her jump in surprise. Who in the world-?

It didn't matter. She was running out of time. She could tell from the voice that it wasn't Joker, but she doubted either Joker or Harley would have a problem. The person was probably shooting more zombies...

More...-? Kara's heart skipped a beat in fearful realization. She needed to finish these guys off and make sure everyone else was safe! These things must be all over the complex!

"Crap!" She uttered, and began to take to the sky when a woman's screams caught her ears. Her icy hues widened in shocked horror. "Harley?!"

The moment's distraction was just enough to allow one of the zombies below to grab her ankle, yanking her back down to the ground with a thud, denting the ground a bit. Kara groaned. Oh, no! They were nearly on top of her!

"Back off! Get away from me!!" She kicked and punched, but the zombies began to descend...


I are invading your thread. ^_^ veryusefulbook November 16 2009, 02:08:03 UTC
The Princess had awakened in Helena's room. Had wandered into the hallways. Had been greeted with freaks whose flesh had begun to fall off their faces, whose teeth were dripping with thick warm blood. She wouldn't have minded them if they hadn't tried to bite her.

After wandering through the halls looking for familiar faces she had begun to notice a pattern. If you were living, they wanted to eat you, if you were dead, it's because they'd already gotten to you and didn't want you anymore.

She saw one man get bit and then moments later turn into one of them. She noted to herself, "Don't let them get you." From that point on she began lining the hallways with new ashen statues of once rotting corpses.

She had heard a particular amount of disturbance down the ways and decided to follow it, curious. There was just so much screaming... she couldn't help herself.

That's when she came to a hallway lined with them. In a breath she turned them to ash, all thirty or so of them. She heard more moaning there way to her from behind, but she couldn't see them yet.

The screaming was continuing though. She walked through the hallway, the ashen statues crumbling to pieces behind her. When she got through it all there was a man, a woman, both of which she didn't know and The Joker laying onto of a familiar face, chewing his way into her side.

The jealousy rose within her but only a laugh came out. She called above the screaming, "Shut up, Whore!" She couldn't tell if they were just having sex right there on the floor or if the joker had become one of them. From the sounds of it, well to her anyway, it was sex.


entro_pist November 16 2009, 22:56:05 UTC
Except there was far too much blood for it to look like sex aside from the shredding of Harley's clothes and what could be assumed was a look of ecstasy upon her face. The Joker's face, however, was buried against Harley's side where he tore into a deepening wound through various layers of fat, muscle and sinew, all to reach the soft internal viscera within.

She seemed to have stopped fighting him, had given herself up for his consumption and satisfaction. But his hunger was insatiable and her body was growing cold and stale with each passing moment. Soon she would lose all of her appeal as the transmitted virus spread throughout her being. For now she was still half-fresh and he dragged her closer, narrowly choking himself to reach her innermost parts while they were still good.

The other zombies-those few that hadn't been reduced to ash and charred smoldering shells-pressed closer, excited by the small gathering of fresh, living meat.


I'M SORRY I SUCK AT POSTING D8 *cookies for allll of you!* mykindoftwisted November 17 2009, 01:31:01 UTC
"Well, hell, looks like we got ourselves a goddamned show." The permanent, fleshless grin on his face seemed to grow wider. He wasn't sure if Harley was having fun or not, but blood, sex, violence, orgasms, gore- really, it was all one and the same as far as Roman was concerned.

Of course, the moaning idiots in the hallway weren't as inclined to sit back, relax, and enjoy as Roman was. Obviously, they'd prove to be an interruption to the little show going on at the moment, but for now- not a problem.


[[let me know if I'm stepping on anyones toes for posting again out of turn!]] veryusefulbook November 17 2009, 05:38:24 UTC
The Princess noted the faceless wonder observing, almost making catcalls at the scene before him. She also noticed that though The Joker had a tendency to get a little feisty during, well, certain circumstances, this was a little much. There really was too much blood and the more The Joker dug his way into Harley's side the more convinced she was that something else had gotten him.

Then she noticed the bite mark on his arm. The Princess sighed her frustration, looked around at the nearby zombies and as her eyes blinked instead of two pupils were two blackened orbs for eyes. The shadow matter spilled from her mouth in pools and took to devouring the nearby zombies.

With her eyes yet unchanged she stepped forward and attempted to rip The Joker from Harley's side. "JOKER!"

At the same time she called up to the observers, "Aren't you going to do anything!?" On any normal day The Princess would have sat around watching this feast with hungry eyes, laughing with herself, but this wasn't just any normal day.

Besides, if all these wonderful people died she'd have nothing left for herself to torment.


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