The unDead Shall Crawl and Devour Us All -- It's Zombie Week!

Oct 25, 2009 13:15

Characters: All are welcome
When: During the zombie/monster/ghoul attack (more toward the beginning)
Where: Inside the Complex
What: In a battle of living versus undead, who will survive and who will fall victim to this hideous disease as it spreads throughout the Complex?!
Warnings: gore/violence/vore/language/Roman

Notes: This post is open to the ( Read more... )

tim drake, the princess, harley quinn, the joker, supergirl, cissie king-jones, thirteen, skuld

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techygoddess October 26 2009, 03:15:48 UTC
She had wondered out of her room only to be chased. Currently she was leaning against the wall a steel pipe in her hands, a few bodies left in her wake. The young girl like goddess brushed gunk clumped hair from her face.

Okay, Thirteen's not here. She had gotten lost in her run. Hearing a moan coming from her right she turned towards it lifting the pipe in both hands.

"Alright, come out, you'll find I'm not that easy a target." She growled low mostly to psyche herself up.


thirteenthkid October 27 2009, 08:06:42 UTC
Thirteen was on his way to the medical bay with Cissie and Tim, when his enhanced hearing caught a very familiar voice. "Skuld! I heard her--" he said immediately. "Cissie, Tim, I want to find Skuld!"


notarrowette October 27 2009, 08:16:42 UTC
Cissie bit her lip, looking around. She would have preferred going straight to the medical bay, not that there was any guarantee that things would be safer there. She had met Skuld once, and she knew that she was a goddess and could probably handle herself--but she didn't know how this place might affect her powers. Not to mention that it had taken every trick she knew to convince Thirteen to stay in the medical bay with her instead of going out to help people. She doubted they would be able to keep him from looking for his friend, or at least pitching a fit about it, and they didn't have time for that. And really, even knowing what Skuld was, Cissie couldn't help being concerned for her in this mess. She looked at Tim, shrugging minutely.


little_wing003 October 27 2009, 08:20:34 UTC
Tim nodded mutely. There was no way they'd be able to get Thirteen to abandon his friend... and despite the fact that she was a young goddess, Tim agreed. No one should be left on their own in this nightmare, no matter how capable.

And he could keep Thirteen and Cissie safe while they looked. Being Robin and having a contingency plan for everything, including a zombiepocalypse, came in handy sometimes.


techygoddess October 27 2009, 08:28:20 UTC
Skuld yelped falling back as the zombie she had called out actually lunged at her. Rolling with it she kicked up sending it back.

"Okay, they make that look so much easier in the movies..." She thought she heard Thirteen and gave a small smile picking herself back up. Hearing the shuffling from where she had thrown the creature she groaned.

"Come on... Stay down already. Really..." The pipe moved to both hands spaced apart much like a staff. "I really don't want to hurt you... Good rabid dead thing, play dead?" She added hopefully.


thirteenthkid October 27 2009, 08:34:16 UTC
"Skuld!" Thirteen called out happily as soon as he saw the goddess, oblivious to any advantage that subtlety might give them. "We found you!" He paused, taking in the situation. "They're enemies, right?" he asked Cissie and Tim, as he watched the zombies. "It's okay to hurt them?"


notarrowette October 27 2009, 08:42:04 UTC
Zombies. Seriously. How many times had she teased Tim for having ridiculous plans in case of zombie attacks? "Um..." It wasn't that she was concerned about hurting the zombies--zombies!--but she didn't want Thirteen rushing off to fight them. He seemed to think he was invincible, and she did not want to test that theory (especially since she thought it was wrong). "Well. Yes..."


little_wing003 October 27 2009, 08:57:43 UTC
Tim put a hand out, grabbing Thirteen's shoulder before he could dash off as he so clearly wanted to do. "But we need to go in carefully, all right? I know you're going to be Superman when you grow up, but you're not grown up yet, and even Superman could be hurt when he was a kid."

And Thirteen's voice had attracted some zombie attention. Lovely.


techygoddess October 27 2009, 09:06:12 UTC
Hearing Thirteen's shout she turned and gave him a thumbs up to tell him she was okay. When the zombie lunged again she jumped, pushing on the pipe so she could vault over it. Landing on it's back she made sure it would stay down this time, the head crushed with a downward swipe of the pipe.

"Sorry, but couldn't let you hurt Thirteen or his friends." Standing she grimaced, her clothing would have to be burned. And she really liked the outfit too.

"Guys watch out!" She had seen the zombie headed for them, hoping that her yell would draw it's attention to her instead.


thirteenthkid October 27 2009, 09:59:21 UTC
Thirteen was on the very brink of dashing when Tim grabbed his arm. With his best long suffering sigh, the clone stayed where he was. Civilians. Seriously!

"I'm watching!" He answered Skuld cheerfully. And he was. He had the ambling zombie right in sight of his laser-vision. All he had to do was follow his training, focus his power and -- yes, one zombie down. "Careful?" he asked Tim.


Sorry for the delay! notarrowette November 5 2009, 08:02:01 UTC
Cissie's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Thirteen's zombie-annihilating skill. Heat vision? Kon hadn't had that until much later. That was interesting. "Careful," she repeated, nodding. Yes. Blasting zombies from a distance was definitely something she could get on board with.


No worries! little_wing003 November 7 2009, 23:09:15 UTC
"That... is exactly what I would have asked you to do," Tim said, smiling. "Nicely done." He let go of Thirteen's arm and mussed his hair a little. "Fire and heat are pretty effective against your typical zombie."


It's all good. XD techygoddess November 7 2009, 23:16:25 UTC
Skuld grinned as she ran over to them, being tired of fighting alone. She gave Thirteen a hug.

"That was awesome! Now I'm jealous, I know I can't do that." She smiled at Cissie. "Hi again!"

Turning to the other man she remembered the pipe she was still holding and held it behind her back trying to look all innocent. "You must be Thirteen's friend Tim right? He told me a little about you."

Yes, she's forgotten, battlefield here; with mortals, stopping to chit-chat might not be the best idea.


Better than good even! thirteenthkid November 7 2009, 23:22:27 UTC
Thirteen was beaming, smile so wide that his face was going to ache later. He'd not been praised like this in -- in ever! "I did good?" he asked Tim just to check before being distracted by Skuld's hug.

"Cissie and Tim and I are going to the Medical Bay because Superman would want to make sure the people who need help are protected," he told Skuld happily.


Gyah, November. Sorry! notarrowette November 20 2009, 19:09:50 UTC
Cissie couldn't help smiling at Thirteen's obvious glee. "You did very good," she agreed.

She gave Skuld a smile and nodded. "Hi Skuld. Do you want to come with us?"


little_wing003 November 20 2009, 21:37:52 UTC
"Awesome, even," Tim said, reaching out to ruffle his hair. He glanced around. It looked pretty clear on the zombie front at the moment. "If we're going to get moving, now would be a good time."


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