[Arrival, Open] Not My Idea of a Welcome Party...

Sep 01, 2009 19:01

Who: Supergirl and Brainiac 5, Open
Where: Pod Room
When: Late in the day, nearing Sundown.
Summary: Kara arrives while Brainy's doing tests. Can we say 'uh oh'?
Warnings: Possible minor violence, hopefully no parts will be splayed about. 8D

"Phase Complete."

"Huh??" Icy hues fluttered open at the sound of someone speaking. Oh, crap. This didn't look like any room in the Watchtower that she was familiar with. How in the world had she ended up here?

...Better question, Where was here, exactly?

"Report for debriefing." Debriefing? Just who did this lady think she was talking to, anyway? Kara wasn't about to agree to any debriefing by anyone until she knew exactly what was going on.

She shook her head to clear the slight grogginess as her dainty hand gripped the side of the ... capsule she was in? "What the-?" She muttered to herself, leaning forward to give the pod a glance-over from over her shoulder. It made her eyes widen and her heart race a bit, fragments of memories surfacing in the back of her mind of the day her "cousin" had found her. Oh, right... Clark!

Kara started from her small reverie, quickly deciding that she didn't like being in the pod. She'd spent enough time in a pod of sorts, and she quite liked her freedom, thanks. She pulled herself forward further, a red booted foot emerging and pausing in mid-air as she gracefully stepped out, hovering in place as though the air had formed a step just for her.

Slender arms rose high above her in a stretch. Exploring her surroundings seemed like a good order of business. But first she had to-

Wait. What was that sound? There appeared to be... someone else in the room? Maybe they could tell her where she was. And if they proved to be trouble? Well. No problem.

"Um... excuse me?" She asked politely in a tone she was sure the other person should be able to hear.

supergirl, brainiac 5, arrival

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