[Thread: Open] No hard feelings

Jun 11, 2009 23:32

Characters: Harley Quinn, anyone else that wants to jump in. Let's try to keep it one big thread for continuity's sake.
Where: Around the re-phased area of the complex (manhattan?!)  TV station
When: One bright, June morning. TGIF
Summary:  Harley doesn't hold a grudge, the Joker is forgiven for leaving her in that crazy place and to prove it shes ( Read more... )

brainiac 5, ashitaka, the joker, the princess, bruce wayne, harley quinn, jonathan crane

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Hey guys, let's go over here before we break LJ. (It happens, srsly.) gonnaloveme June 27 2009, 21:17:21 UTC
Batman didn't wait for the remaining villains to comply. He was through waiting, and on top of that the words spoken and the vague snippets he got from confused and disorientated police radio waves drove him into immediate action. And not anything of the friendly sort.

Almost in a rage one could say, the Bat hurled himself forward and straight for Harley. One way or another he planned on grabbing her, with or without throwing a punch.

((In other words, Harle--react however you want and we'll go from there. Battle or not, up to you. ^_~))


SO late, oh god, sorry my loves!!!--- ... ohh hotness batman sugarclown June 29 2009, 02:21:56 UTC
While all that other junk was going down, Harley had been planning on sneaking away without notice. Of course Batman, being the giant jerkface that he is, had to spoil all that and grab her by her strawberry-scented blonde locks! The horror!

"Owowowowow, watch it Bat or we'll go kablooey!" She shot him an irritated look through her heavily painted eyes and grabbed the bunny backpack from her shoulder, holding onto it tightly. The bag was full of all sorts of goodies that go boom and bang. A few wires hung out of it, couple of fuses too. If he tried to wrench the thing away from her, who knows what could be set off.

Harley smiled an angelic smile at the creep dressed as a giant bat and batted her fake lashes.

"Mistah J warned me about you, you know. I'm not sure how right he is about you..."

((permission to beat the shit out of her or whatevs, guys, but I would like her to escape without blowing anyone up <3 ))


Re: SO late, oh god, sorry my loves!!!--- ... ohh hotness batman powered_otaku June 29 2009, 02:31:49 UTC
Hiro sees the wires and freezes time as he rushes over to look over the assembly. He doesn't know a lot about bombs, but he follows each wire cautiously and pulls them out of their sources. He notes that none of the bombs are on her, but that the power source is. Apologizing profusely as he does so, he manages to reach under her costume enough to loosen the clips and slither it off of her. It takes a bit more concentration than he's used to, especially since he doesn't want to be accused of feeling her up.

Once all the wires and the power source are off, he vanishes again over the water, tosses the bag and takes off back for the studio, leaving Harley to the "tender mercy" of Batman as time resumes.


entro_pist June 29 2009, 20:13:58 UTC
Upon returning to his remote location overlooking the city, the Joker watched as thick tendrils of shadow matter floated through the sky toward the first bank and then the second. Without question, hundreds of people below, perhaps thousands, witnessed the otherworldly, fluid-like substance reach down to engulf the buildings and then as each bank began to crumble in on itself soon after. It was positively spectacular.

"Ashes, ashes we all fall down," that weird, playful voice hits the studio and the airwaves once again. The studio has apparently broken into a pandemonium but aside from a few flickers in the visual feed, the cameras continue rolling. And there is still one contestant whom we haven't heard from yet.

The Joker's voice raises to a startling decibel, cutting through the uproar in the studio, "Contestant Three. That's you, Mr. Ashitaka! It's your turn to make a guess. Now that Chase Manhattan and JP Morgan are out of the picture, three choices remain. Play the game and there's still a chance you can spare all three. But ( ... )


uncloudedeyes June 30 2009, 08:27:50 UTC
Ashitaka was not appeased by the handling of this situation. The man was treating it like this was all some kind of sick joke. Joke.. Joker that in and of itself was a sickness. What a name... he had thought anyone to carry this name must be insane but this whole endeavor had proved as much. He was watching the chaos unfold, ready to take action and then... he was befuddled. He had his eyes on the Kabuki-woman ready to join the man in black, and something happened. Her satchel, it suddenly disappeared. In an instant it was there and gone. He blinked, leaned in in surprised. "What ( ... )


entro_pist June 30 2009, 18:35:01 UTC
"Aw, you remember me. What a small world it is." Or just a downright funny world. He gives a tiny chuckle from behind closed lips. No hints of his whereabouts are given. And on to the answer everyone's waiting for, "Now now, don't make that face. Chin up, hmm? Because your answer iiis... cor-rect! We have a winner! You investors at Citibank are lucky, lucky folks."

See? He knows how to play fair (for now). "It's almost the end of our game and you know what that means. Time for the final round! Since Mr. Ashitaka is our only winner, he gets the last guess. I have the name here in my hand. Just two choices left, can he save Bank One and Bank of America or will he lose them both?" Oh, the pressure! The tension!

"Mr. Ashitaka, your answer please." This is the part where he sets down the phone. He doesn't need it anymore (he has the TV).


Yaaaay, I won! [sorta, not really] uncloudedeyes July 1 2009, 03:10:26 UTC
Ashitaka flinched once again, then an angry look covered his face. This man was playing God... Ashitaka had seen it attempted before, but not with such finesse. Still, the decision for life or death was not for any one man to decide for another. His once-cursed arm was trembling in anger and phantom pain ( ... )


last post pour moi in le thread! sugarclown July 1 2009, 23:19:09 UTC
ooc: sorry for the liberty taken with batman, it doesn't necessarily have to hit him <3 Okay, seriously, what the fuck was going on?! Her most favourite fuzzy bag was now gone along with all her pretty fireworks! Since when could the bat do magic? Harley was severely pissed off now, as well as confused. She grabbed the wrist of the hand holding her hair and held on as she walked up Batman's chest like it was nothing and flipped backwards, aiming a kick at his exposed chin to get free of his hold ( ... )


entro_pist July 3 2009, 17:54:50 UTC
Ashitaka's instincts are right on target. One word will do just as good as any other or even none at all. From this point on, nothing that happens in the studio will matter. The Joker's mind was set before an answer could be given. There hadn't been a "correct" answer, just a flare gun in his hand, now freshly reloaded.

He doesn't respond to Ashitaka's answer. Doesn't need to, because in another moment, all of the city will know. Until then, he'll let everyone hang in a disconnected, maddening silence. He leaves in time to catch Harley's smoke burst on the screen, steps onto the transporter in the adjoining room, and within seconds, will appear on the rooftop of one of the two remaining banks, flare gun raised and ready to fire.


brainiac5ive July 8 2009, 22:05:53 UTC
Easily enough, as far as Brainy was concerned, the game was over. He extended his arm and his force field towards Harley's hammer in defense and he once again transformed to the larger robotic form. "Batman, Go after her, we'll take the offensive." Brainy said as he lifted off from the ground and headed back the way he came to the roof, he hoped Hiro would take his implication and follow suit.

It wasn't long till Brainy reached the roof from the shortcuts he had made on his way down initially, and that's when he saw the girl. Who was she, exactly? She was watching all of this from the beginning, he recalled. "Stay where you are!" He called.


veryusefulbook July 9 2009, 02:18:04 UTC
The Princess had managed to make it back to her feet, though she was still standing within a few feet of the edge of the bank's roof. Down below she could see a crowd forming, people running, screaming through out the streets everywhere. Car horns were honking impatiently, police sirens all over the city, ringing like a thousand Sunday morning bells, ever so sweet to her ears ( ... )


powered_otaku July 9 2009, 12:32:21 UTC
Hiro sort of flies in next to Brainiac to see the woman he saw earlier. However, judging from Brainy's words and his aggressive stance, he realizes that she's the cause of what happened. He shivers a bit, but bows formally to her.

"Please stop what you are doing. It is extremely distressing to the people below who cannot defend themselves."


entro_pist July 9 2009, 19:31:22 UTC
From their position on the roof of the TV station, the heroes and their dangerous rival will see in the distance a red flare rising into the sky. The Joker has just fired a third shot from the top of Bank One ( ... )


veryusefulbook July 9 2009, 21:11:25 UTC
The Princess was about to continue on with the dumb-blond act but when she saw the flare go up, well, she had a job to do. Though she would have enjoyed hanging around to see what the kind odd looking man bowing before her was like she decided that his friend was probably not so kind and wouldn't attempt to use diplomacy like his friend ( ... )


powered_otaku July 10 2009, 00:47:43 UTC
Hiro stops time before the bats can reach them, then touches Brainy and brings him into the moment between time.

"These are the things that destroyed the buildings. How do we get rid of them?"


brainiac5ive July 11 2009, 01:49:53 UTC
Frozen in place, he was surprised, but only slightly. This time thing was something he was going to have to get used to. He glanced briefly to Hiro then to the bats that were frozen in time. So this was the force that was destroying the banks. "She appears to have complete control over shadows. Physical manifestations, capable of diffusing and being inhaled, and that explains the bodies in the hallway." The only reason he hadn't said anything was due to the Joker's little game.

"I have one idea." Brainy's arm transformed into a cannon and generated an orb of light which he moved by extending his a rm towards the swarm of shadows. "Once you resume time again, that should destroy them. As a countermeasure, I'm activating my shields." As he said that, an ball of purple energy appeared around the two of them.

"Okay, do it."


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