Happy 2014!

Jan 01, 2014 12:21

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you ♥
I hope that this past year has been good for you, but that the 2014 will be even better!

Hope you spent a nice New Year's Eve and that you have a lovely day ahead of you.

Despite all my complaints I had a pretty nice last night of the year.
I didn't get to spend it as relaxed as I wished, but it was nice: we went to see "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (it was a good movie, I really liked it and didn't expect to!).
When it finished the streets were DESERTED (and it was barely 10PM), it was creepy as hell... So we went to wait for midnight at home.
I slept at my parents' house and grandma stayed with us, in my room ... I did't sleep much cause she kept waking up and getting disoriented, poor thing :(

At the moment grandma is watching "Ice Age: Continental Drift" on the tv next to me, we're waiting for the traditional televised New Year's Concert and lunch.

What are your plans for today?


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