Jul 25, 2010 04:02
- 07:42:20: Morning =_= Must remember I love Yanagi, must remember I love Yanagi..God,I'm so tired. Stupid postman who always deliver when no one's home
- 08:33:15: Got it! It's 160 pages,will take me a while to scan... there is a picture of while his hair was growing back ;__;
- 08:35:14: There Thank You's at the end. I think Endo is the only D-Boy mentioned. And then Kimeru. Can't make out the other names...
- 08:44:20: There's a line under his list of works that makes me fear it's a "Now reitiring" kind of note >_> *bite lip*
- 10:35:59: Been kicked out of the house by a paranoid dad:"GO BUY AN ELECTRICITY ADAPTER FOR LONDON NOW!!!" >_>;
- 13:45:56: Support #D-boys, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - http://twb.ly/cvjZ5Z
- 18:25:07: Uploading Haru Doko Sakura... hope to have them both up for tonight ^^
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