When there's not enough to fill up a post... My Twitters!

Sep 12, 2009 00:05

09:43 Woke up with my tummy being a bitch.Office was closed and waited in the cold air.Then computers and phones didn't work. Good morning indeed. #

10:21 Cowrker rushed in yelling it was late,trying switching 2 computers on at once to find the fastest... #

10:22 ...and then subscribed to a digital Poker tournament =_=
I'm the sole idiot of this office.... #

10:33 Doing the writing meme... how's that for being a good employe? #

13:03 Eating lunch alone ;_; #

20:44 I had been studying all day for my english literature exam.Decided to rest my brain,turned on the tv and saw the Twin Towers falling #on911 #
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