2 PoT links for Kaori :P

Sep 18, 2007 14:27

I found these Saturday or so, they made me giggle...
But it wasn't until I got CERTAIN PARTS that the giggling turning into squeeing...loud squeeing.

-First one.
Kaori, pay close attention from 1:08 to 1:18 or so :P
(and if you already saw it, well, at least we have something to squee over together).

image Click to view

-This one... whoever did it has my admiration for the patience and photoshop skills O.O

0:33... *dies...twitchtwich, die some more*
2:14!!!! *gapes...eyes bulge*

image Click to view

PS. The meme for venilia so coming soon! ;)

tezuryo, kaori, pot

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