Jan 06, 2008 01:55
Life is so awesome right now i cant even believe it. I havent been this happy in a while. Bouncing Souls extravaganza weekend was fuckin awesome. Went back to my old neighborhood in Jersey. Holy shit the place went so down hill. Every tree on my old lawn was cut down, the vinyl siding my dad put up had been ripped off with no replacement, and the lawn was completely dead. And every house on the street had a security system. BUT mideast food was still awesome/cheep as ever. Bouncing Souls was AMAZING! They played 23 songs including manthem!!! New years was new years as always. In more good news today I rocked the shit out of my grad school exams!!! And I am graduating with honors!!!! Oh did I mention my internship is fucking amazing! There was about 30-40 of us accepted for this internship program that includes a decent stipend and 15 credits. A bunch of the kids I know or am friends with, and the new kids seem way more awesome than I thought they would be. Basically if you saw me at the Senate right now you'd be seeing me at my best. In the last past 2 days I've had converstations on gentrification, socialized medecine, the arabic language, the Jordanian parliament, Dubai!, the economic downfall of upstate New York, venacular arabic, and of course shows. Its great to be surrounded by people with common interests, goals, and ethics. I loved working part time at the senate so much last year that I thought I would do it full time this year. At first I was weary of working a 9-5 every day in a suit and tie, but after going up to the observation decl of the Corning skyscraper with new and old friends in tow I knew would fall in love with this program. I am working for a senator who represents a large portion of Brooklyn!!! This is exactly what I wanted and I actually knew his chief of staff. Its so nice to see all my hardwork and effort pay off. So glad I decided to disobey my advisor and take this internship. So glad to see my GPA on the up and up, and not ever having to worry about a stupid aptitude test again! Still so happy! I've been up since 7 in the morning Laterness!