Fetch me a basin...

Jun 24, 2011 19:54

...I think my brain just threw up.

After today's latest frustrating online job search, I found myself once again seated on the porch behind my family property, glass of whiskey and Coke nearby. Though initially intending to just pass a few hours with my nose buried in a book, I felt somehow compelled to bring a notebook with me, at first intending to see if I couldn't dig a few would-be song lyrics out of my head. Then, the ghost of some mad philosopher jumped into my drink, and I found myself penning the following observations:

- "When the end result is not visible before you, how far will you dig to unearth it? And what worms are you willing to have your spade uncover?"

- "When one mouth starves, it must be fed. When many mouths starve, nations DIE".

- "It has been said 'When a man lies, he murders some part of the world'. Yet sometimes, when a man speaks true, he murders himself".

- "Is not the need for employ the end result of supply failing to meet demand, or vice versa? Just how big a myth is the Horn of Plenty? Or did we create it?"

- "In activity, great fatigue. In inactivity, great yearning".

- "The medium of music is as much a sword as a balm; as stabbing to the savage beast as soothing. Yet the birthing thereof almost always begets pain (just ask Mozart)".

- "I want, and am condemned as selfish. I give, and am condemned as weak-willed. Therefore can the servant never fully rule without great sacrifice of support, and the ruler not serve fully without great sacrifice of self".

- "Alcohol: a little inspires, too much possesses. Hence the term 'spirits'. We Irish know this".

- "If the gods created man, where have they gone? If man created the gods, what have we done with them?"

- "Too much direction confuses. So, too, does none. Where is the line drawn?"

- "Love is lust re-directed. Though only the latter is seen as sin, both can (and frequently do) destroy".

- "Is all desire nothing more than the call of our own personal beast? If so what, then, is abstinence: defiance, or death?"

- "What the night presents as fresh and new in the way of possibility, the morning frequently reduces to ashen whim". (Ok, those last two were a tad too vampiric; sue me).

- "If art imitates life (or vice versa), is it wrong to wish to be as a thing of art and nothing more? Or is all art quite useless, as Wilde proposed?"

- "I speak much to myself, and am as a prophet. I speak much to the masses, and am as a fool".

If time travel ever does become a possibility, please let me know ASAP so I can pay a visit to Socrates, Descartes, et al before I really do go out of my gourd...
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