im so incredibly awake!

Jan 03, 2005 01:09

gahh im so incredibly awake! and i hav practice at 10 2moro mornin! damn it! dixie chicks suck..CMT should b ashamed 2 play there music on there program..gah

ok if yall want 2 laugh..hah read might b long..but its the best convo. ive EVER had it my laugh! lol

Smallman1213: geoff
partyon wayne369: lauren
partyon wayne369: what are you doing
Smallman1213: im on the computer idiot
Smallman1213: hah sry thats the first time u ever asked me that
Smallman1213: im so incredibly awake
partyon wayne369: i'm tired
partyon wayne369: thats why i asked that
partyon wayne369: i'm such a fool
Smallman1213: haha
Smallman1213: gah geoff u broke our special..thing?
Smallman1213: hahaha
partyon wayne369: i know
partyon wayne369: i'm ashamed
Smallman1213: haha u should b
Smallman1213: hahahah omg
partyon wayne369: what
Smallman1213: there was this thing and it was like who makes u laugh / smile the most? lol i put u!
partyon wayne369: =-O
partyon wayne369: what thing
Smallman1213: there was this thing that i was fillin out it was like a ton of ?S but like i went and posted it on my LJ and it like delted it and it took me like 45 mins cus it was really long gah i was sooo mad but yah
partyon wayne369: thats too bad
partyon wayne369: i want to see your live journal
partyon wayne369: so i can keep a close eye on you
partyon wayne369: and your life
partyon wayne369: like a hawk
Smallman1213: yes but i thot i should tell u that cus yeahh..i thot it would make u feel special
Smallman1213: hahahah
Smallman1213: u need 2 make a LJ goeff
Smallman1213: geoff*
Smallman1213: ill make one 4 u!!
partyon wayne369: no
Smallman1213: haha why
partyon wayne369: my life is two busy
Smallman1213: haha tell me about it
partyon wayne369: i dont have that kind of finger power to type that much
partyon wayne369: i'm die lauren
partyon wayne369: you hear me?
partyon wayne369: DIE
partyon wayne369: i'd*
Smallman1213: haha no
partyon wayne369: isnt my icon the cutest thing you've ever seen
partyon wayne369: KITTENS
Smallman1213: i cant c it!?
Smallman1213: but i love kittens
partyon wayne369: =-O
partyon wayne369: it has two kittens in a basket
Smallman1213: awe
Smallman1213: hahaha
partyon wayne369: and in pink flashy letters
partyon wayne369: it says CUTE
Smallman1213: haha
partyon wayne369: mary made it for me when she got on my screen name
Smallman1213: haha
partyon wayne369: you know what bird smells bad
partyon wayne369: surprisingly
Smallman1213: my icon is the best
Smallman1213: haha yea..?
partyon wayne369: flamingos
partyon wayne369: they look so fragrent
partyon wayne369: but they smell real bad
Smallman1213: hahahha
Smallman1213: seriously like if u look thru my HB binder u will find many detailed drawings of flamingos
Smallman1213: haha
Smallman1213: hahaha
partyon wayne369: hahahaha
partyon wayne369: ...loser
partyon wayne369: do you watch them from a far
Smallman1213: haha yes..
partyon wayne369: and draw them in their most beautiful form
Smallman1213: cus if u get up close they get figidtey Smallman1213: yes
partyon wayne369: thats because they
partyon wayne369: are self conciense about their smell
Smallman1213: exactly!
partyon wayne369: because they smell so bad
Smallman1213: not many people kno that .. geoff i think we're smarter then people thing
Smallman1213: think*
partyon wayne369: i know it
Smallman1213: people dont give us enough credit
partyon wayne369: did u know they're only pink because all they eat is shrimp
partyon wayne369: they probably have horrible breath
Smallman1213: really?
Smallman1213: thats fasinating
Smallman1213: haha yea i bet
partyon wayne369: i agree
Smallman1213: i think most all animals hav pretty bad breath..i mean they dont brush there teeth
partyon wayne369: true
partyon wayne369: except for pandas
Smallman1213: well in the exception of herbavors that eat mint plants
partyon wayne369: i bet they're breath is minty and refreshing
partyon wayne369: their*
partyon wayne369: dont you hate akward silences on the phone and stuff
Smallman1213: yes!
partyon wayne369: i try to avoid them whenever possible
Smallman1213: worst thing ever!
Smallman1213: i think they should b impossible
Smallman1213: me2
partyon wayne369: if i feel it coming
partyon wayne369: i'll say something like...
partyon wayne369: "green tea is delicious"
Smallman1213: and then when ur in an awkward silence its even harder 2 start talkin again
Smallman1213: haha yes
Smallman1213: and u feel stupid cus ur like..sooooooooo
partyon wayne369: i've had one full on akward silence
partyon wayne369: and that did it for me
Smallman1213: haha
partyon wayne369: from then on i had something to say
partyon wayne369: in those time spaces
partyon wayne369: cough
Smallman1213: geoff r u sick again
partyon wayne369: i wish
Smallman1213: why
Smallman1213: i hate being sick
partyon wayne369: i dont know
Smallman1213: haha
partyon wayne369: i'm not bothered by it
partyon wayne369: unless i have a plugged up nose
partyon wayne369: cause thats the worst
Smallman1213: yes
Smallman1213: thats horrible
partyon wayne369: so mary cried and it got me thinking
partyon wayne369: why do we cry?
partyon wayne369: so
Smallman1213: tear ducts
partyon wayne369: i did some research on it
Smallman1213: in your eyes
partyon wayne369: ah yes, but it cant be that simple my dear lauren
partyon wayne369: no one knows quite for sure why we cry
partyon wayne369: but
Smallman1213: its warm and salty
Smallman1213: tears that is
partyon wayne369: my theory is that when we cry, it lets out chemicles in our brain that are harmful to what you are experiencing
partyon wayne369: damnit
partyon wayne369: i had a better explanation earlier
partyon wayne369: but i'm pretty tired
Smallman1213: haha its okay geoff it is getting late
partyon wayne369: but catch me at a better time and i will kick your ass
Smallman1213: your best thinking is done when ur most active in the day
partyon wayne369: tear knowledge
Smallman1213: hah yes
partyon wayne369: anywho
partyon wayne369: lets talk about literature
Smallman1213: yes lets
partyon wayne369: any good books recently?
Smallman1213: well im currently in the middle of a book called the darkness is rising
partyon wayne369: i own that but have yet to open it
Smallman1213: actually its pretty good, its about this boy named will and on his 10 birthday things are starting 2 change like all the animals act weird around him and are scared of him and some blacksmith gives him the sign..its made out of iron and he goes through these time portal doors and meets 2 ppl and they teach him that he has the power 2 do things with his put out fire and bring it back
partyon wayne369: are you typing the book for me
Smallman1213: no, just a summery
partyon wayne369: that does sound interesting
Smallman1213: and thers this man on this black stallion that trys to take him over
partyon wayne369: oh no
Smallman1213: and then this beautiful white horse comes and rescues him
partyon wayne369: thank god
Smallman1213: they call the man on the horse the rider..and theres this guy and they call him the walker and there tryin 2 work 2 gether 2 destroy the circle thats holding the darkness down
Smallman1213: thats as far as ive gotten..i need 2 read on tho..its actually very good
partyon wayne369: i thought the darkness was the bad guy tho
Smallman1213: i havent discoverd what the darkness truley is yet
partyon wayne369: intrigueing
Smallman1213: are you currently reading anything good
partyon wayne369: well no not really
partyon wayne369: but earlier this year
partyon wayne369: i did read a real good book
partyon wayne369: called perfume
Smallman1213: awe dissapointed i need you 2 take me over in wonder and awe
Smallman1213: hmm go on..
partyon wayne369: i'm gonna be honest
partyon wayne369: i did not read once this break
partyon wayne369: :-(
partyon wayne369: i did however smoke oodles of pot
Smallman1213: ive read just once..haha
Smallman1213: hahhahahahahha with out me!
Smallman1213: geoff im hurt! that was my favorite after school activity i shared with u
partyon wayne369: i know
Smallman1213: and now jsut because were on a "break" u leave me out..i was wondering why u havent returned my calls..are you now taking place in this activity with...with som1 else?!!?
Smallman1213: im outraged..really i am
partyon wayne369: i can see that
partyon wayne369: are you stoned right now?
Smallman1213: no, geoff its sunday
Smallman1213: !
partyon wayne369: so
partyon wayne369: so anyways
partyon wayne369: about perfume
Smallman1213: yes
partyon wayne369: its about this guy
partyon wayne369: thats born without a scent
partyon wayne369: and he becomes obsessed with smell
partyon wayne369: and that's all i'll tell you
partyon wayne369: but it's real good
Smallman1213: hmm sounds interesting
partyon wayne369: he kills girls and makes them into perfume
partyon wayne369: because he likes how they smell
Smallman1213: whoa kinda kinky i say
partyon wayne369: i say you're on fucking crack
Smallman1213: hahahhahahahha
Smallman1213: we could really make a good buisness out of that
Smallman1213: geoff we can be partners!
Smallman1213: think of it!
partyon wayne369: in making girls into perfume?
partyon wayne369: indeed we could..
Smallman1213: yes, we can sell them 2 flamingos Smallman1213: actually we coiuld sell them 2 the flamingo breeders..and they could spray them on the flamingos
partyon wayne369: seriously, what are u doing right now?
Smallman1213: nothing! nothing at all! this is brilliant!
partyon wayne369: lauren
partyon wayne369: why are you so crazy
partyon wayne369: u see
Smallman1213: possibly one of the most brilliant ideas ive ever come up with! and im asking you 2 be my partner
partyon wayne369: you're forgetting one factor in this idea of your
partyon wayne369: s
partyon wayne369: the flamingos only eat shrimp
partyon wayne369: therefore they are somewhat hopeless
Smallman1213: we'll make millions! millions i tell you
partyon wayne369: BLOODY BRILLIANT

partyon wayne369: billions
Smallman1213: trillons
partyon wayne369: ...infinitians
Smallman1213: think of all the giraffes and flamingos and kittens we can own
partyon wayne369: oh jeez
partyon wayne369: but the flamingos
partyon wayne369: will have a separate house
partyon wayne369: wait nevermind
partyon wayne369: they
partyon wayne369: they'll smell good by then
Smallman1213: yes yes
partyon wayne369: due to our concoction
Smallman1213: so when shall we put this plan into action..partner
partyon wayne369: as soon as we find a young woman to kill
partyon wayne369: that's a virgin
partyon wayne369: that rules you out
Smallman1213: yea. you too
partyon wayne369: hmmmmm
partyon wayne369: how about
Smallman1213: cicily
partyon wayne369: cicily it is
Smallman1213: okay when shall we kill her..i think it will be best at night..on the weekend
Smallman1213: i kno where she lives
partyon wayne369: dont we all
Smallman1213: and where her bedroom window is located
partyon wayne369: are we sure she's a virgin
Smallman1213: damn it. i 4got about that part
partyon wayne369: those are mental errors we cant afford to make
partyon wayne369: damnit is also one word
Smallman1213: we can wait..for her 2 have children. and her first baby girl..we can use her
Smallman1213: no , no time to wait
Smallman1213: we need somone now
partyon wayne369: intrigueing
partyon wayne369: we could send an incubus after cicily
Smallman1213: ..could you inform me more on this..incubus
partyon wayne369: its a daemon, that comes while you're sleeping and FUCKS you
partyon wayne369: which gets u pregnant
partyon wayne369: and u have babies within weeks
partyon wayne369: that could be too much time of course
partyon wayne369: yes but the time constraint
partyon wayne369: THINK lauren THINK
Smallman1213: how many weeks are we talking about
partyon wayne369: 3
partyon wayne369: at least
partyon wayne369: and then cicily will hatch eggs
Smallman1213: well, she can b our second
Smallman1213: that way we can test it out on another sacrifice, b4 her so we can make sure it works on her children
Smallman1213: and hav it perfect
partyon wayne369: who then?
Smallman1213: i say some child we dont kno..that way it will be less emotional
partyon wayne369: true to your word lauren
partyon wayne369: so it's settled
partyon wayne369: tuesday we seek an unexpecting child
Smallman1213: yes correct
partyon wayne369: this is creepy
partyon wayne369: ...and exhilerating
Smallman1213: no geoff not creepy,BRILLIANT
partyon wayne369: send me your live journal
partyon wayne369: yo
Smallman1213: lol
Smallman1213: i have 2:-[haha
partyon wayne369: yes
partyon wayne369: you do
Smallman1213: no,, i have two
partyon wayne369: oh
partyon wayne369: ...
partyon wayne369: then send both
partyon wayne369: thats the problem with the all purpose 2's
partyon wayne369: like, i'm going 2 the furniture store
Smallman1213: yes i agree, sorry ill make it more clear nect tme
partyon wayne369: i want 2 go 2
partyon wayne369: i have 2 couches
partyon wayne369: i need not go 2 the funiture store 2day
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