I'v4e been drinking aian

Jun 23, 2003 21:04

im typing this while on my 8th beeer, and im not gonna dit it so if it is enreadable tuff noogliers. hahah, what the hell is a nooglierrs. Its vbud light. im just got dun golfing wiht bobbi and her brother mikey, i won. bobbi lost, mikey was in second. i won by twpo. i mean two. this is fo real im actually tying this and on amy eithgt beer and not gonna edit ithis. this muight be funny or it muight sucks i dont know, you'll have to tell heme, ven thought you never reply to any of my shit. ,m, i gota testsa tommortw in my mathematicsa class, so i prllyu shoudl be studieidn, oops. i went ot calss to day afn after c lass i went carp shooting and i missed 3 of thme, but i t was fun, i saw sankes and shit and tutlesm , hig turlest. bu the way, iddi i mentipoj thiat i have n only eaten a one sandwhcihc today, it was hamm , no mayonasisse ano lettuce, no cheese, nuthing but wheat bread adn ham, it hink. wanything that aways white its bprolly bad for u. avido food that says the word white before it sacuh as white rice and white radea and white other foorsds. the onluy good thinkg that is white is white women.@! haha. im sotty this si gonna really scih fo yo bit my guess is that im gonna laugff my ass off when i rad this toommorooww. i almosots eiddits that one ebecasue i seen how bad it lookd but i didint. im ghonna stpp now and see if i fan read what ive tiped so far./\
k, i just rad what i rote earlier and i think it is written very poor;y. turtles is what i was tring to say easier (earlier_) um, mikey aLSO HIT A BAB7Y DE4ER TODAY ON POPRISE BE CAUSE HE AHD TO GOT IN TO THE DIDTH TO GET IT AND HE SID AND since it was a dbaday deeer he only hur tthe deer and hnot his car. he said that farmer was happy that he hit the heer dause heer eat ht crips anbd farmers dont like that. im just typin this now because im waitin gfor bonbbi to mcome back with mikey and his gf, i havent met her yet, she ahas dice kids. that kinda wirrdx. im at bo;nbi house right now and her sealing fan makess a weird noise, it brothers mne. hopw may alicks doesn it take to get to the toosties frollc ent er of a tootiese pops?? speaking of tootsie aoops, i had my very first blkwe pop from sara opeinign hopuse, i ferogetr hou much i like blwe posps, i uess hse lieks tgar bursts too but liklie skittles better than star burstsss,. i enjoued the blowe pop, thank you sara and sorry o coluildnt make it to yer i ooepn ohouse. bye the way, im np beer npow nine ands of like 3.523 mintues a eog. htats wired hpw i can spel minutes percect ly fin but cante spell ego, im enam eogo, ahhhh imean aog., shit ffuck imean aog, danit ago. yessssssssss, ago/. cant spell aog. fdmanit ti wiat her we go.....a-g-o. =ago. holy shit this ais all esssdm up. uhhhhhhh. i prolly shou cet make htis a n entry because you guys neer enter anyhting becasue you guys are busy and have entersting lives, mine sucsk, fo3e shiots sake i fowokd and god dman wmutha fuin walmamart. im abig loser, i only got a 4% raiwse and thae mazx is %% [ERCETN. I MISSED IT BY 1%, i sucks@@@!~1!!!!!!!. they wouldnt e en let me swi h to pjharmacny liek they asked buyece they wzn tme to worlk in gorceyr. i hate groer6y , i juyst dont work as hard anympore because they are fuggin assholes. im gonna sheck and see if i can read thwat i just wrote fome teh last time i said this.
o jjst chjeskl what oi jusjt rigtre and i thik its funny whow i wrote asshoesl fine and not al;ot of other words.

uhh, sorry im gonna stop now and i still havent written botu how i sauy a the hugest badd ive ever sseen in my life this bas swas so nhiught tghat it was sawosme, i coulndt cathc it and it left and i haent seen its since. i still foegeot to whriet abnout whne im old like i said i was gonna write about last ime, i think i do this for more of myine benefit than yours, i lthink it wil be fun ny to lookl nasum on this anad see what i worte. whene mi like 100 years youindg. or old. k, im done, please at leat rteplyy and righte back, meliisaa ahasnt wrptteen anthing in like 20 months. ane mike is too usey, the celisng mis making cousnes, ohluyt shit, hthis is freakingy, the sounds are wiered, umm, bye, holy shit sometbody is shotoing, holy sahit they are shooting li really close. holsys shit snshytistjskltrjsf, what the cfuck, this is weird, they are like reight next to me this is loud, the stopped./ what the fuck, wow, that is fucked up., som3boduy is shooting agian, holy shit, what the dukd, this sis like gheetoo detroit, thwa the whll, the stopped agina, hoe they got it whatever they weer shotoing at, they are a shittin gshot, like me and crap shotoing with my bow, bye im and tsopping now!!!!!!!!
bye. cause bonbbie and mikecaley and home. im try to interpret his lataaer.
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