Jan 31, 2005 16:29
Everything went off good. My deer leg that i grilled came out tasting "scrumtralescent" after everyone there doubted me the whole time! TAKE THAT! we just hung outside in the cold and tried playing a little paint ball, it was too cold so all the balls broke when ya tried shotting them. but mostly hung out around the bonfire. Then at about 8 we called Jusitin to come be our DD to drive us to the strip club, he did. It was his first time ever!! I bought him his very first ever lap dance, isnt that what older brothers are for??
I also got made fun of by all my "Hart High School" frineds for being too dressed up!!! how is that possible! i was wearing 15 dollar shoes, a walmart leather jacket, kaki pants ive had since high school, and a white t shirt with an unbuttoned collard shirt over the top. i thought i was dresssing normal, but according to them it looked like i was ready to go sit down to dinner with the queen.
bobbi had fun with everyone at her bachelorette party, they just went to a bar and talked and then afterwards went to a hotel suite to sleep it off.
every guy at the bachelor party is jealouse of me because of bobbi. for obvious reasons and because i hardly work and have nice clothes, go to school and eventually gonna make good money, not married, and bobbi gives me money, plus does laundry and knows how to cook. and just lets me do whatever i want. it was great, except that i told her that and know shes got a big head about it, i shoulda kept my mouth shut. oh well.
the groom to be was the only one that threw up and so he served as my alarm clock at 730 in the morning with his puking, he was still puking off and on when i left completly sober and not hung over at all at 11. not bad for going to be after 4. i took some of those chaser pills, it really did the job from what i could tell, I drank a significant amount of beer, and i was just fine after taking those pills.
it deffinatley wasnt exciting as alot of bachelor parties but i think i did an okay job and the party was a good fit for the groom, there was plenty of beer and food and everyone had fun and nobody died. good enough for me.
by the way, even with the whole bachelor party thing i managed to totally just kick ass on my development biology test today! yeah for me!