Dec 08, 2004 22:29
I know it's been quite a while since I've posted anything here, but I generally try to have something to talk about. Two things managed to catch my attention in one night....go figure! The first was a report on "60 Minutes" about gospel/christian influences in music. Okay, fair enough. They talked to traditional christian rock groups about the types of fans, criticisms, philosophy. No biggie, right? And then they went on to talk to POD, of which i know nothing of except i think they were at some large I concert attended once (only for you, cutie *MWAH*). The problem was when they tried to classify Kanye West as a gospel rap artist. Kanye friggen West! I admire his work, much of which is in things many fans have never heard, and I gotta say they are stretching it beyond even factual inconsistency. He did write the song "Jesus Walks", but it's a single song on a relatively godless album. Most of the song itself is really about how taboo it is to sing about god and values, and not gospel itself. Here is a little quoting from the "gospel rapper":
"She isn't there for the whips and cream cause / When I had her in bed I had whipped cream / Shakespearean mid-summer night's dream / I unzip things and pull out big things" -"Getting Out the Game"
Is this the word of gospel? Cause if it is, praise Jesus and fill me with the spirit of the lord!!! If you throw in chocolate syrup, I may rub the buddha a few times a year....and you can let "rub the buddha" mean whatever you want. ;-)
Secondly, and not nearly as cool was tonight's episode of Law & Order. It was a continuation of the Jacob Lowenstein story. For those not aware, that episode was within the first year or two, and was one of the most bizarre/disturbing and memorable ever. Always comes up in a L&O marathon on TNT. They managed to get all the original actors to come back for it, and picked it up as if it were 15 years later after parole. The beauty of this kind of IS 15 years later! Who knew these things could be done on TV? I think it's an impressive and creative idea.